.....anyone that wants to see it on the Ballot can join USVI NORML at www.usvinorml.org If you are on STX I can get you a registration form to j...
Inside Tutu Mall, just before the food court is a place that has bridal and party dresses. Some nice things.
Our info and our October Newsletter -
Industrial hemp is included in the legislation. Should you want more information on what we have written prior to it being presented, give me a call ...
Thanks Tam! DUHHHHH! To me - thanksgiving should take place everyday - so I don't see holidays.
Alright Marty, I'll bite. What is T-day at the Toad and Tart?
This is what I got when I ran it thru KBB.com Blue Book Private Party Value 2002 Dodge Neon SE Sedan 4D More Photos Condition Value ...
Gateway gas station sells the hoses for that
I'll take pots and pans, knives if any and a cutting board if you have one - maybe a fan or 2. Could you call me at 340-244-9179? Thanks, L...
The guy I was talking about has been off - I'll get him tomorrow!
check your email!
Saturday, October 31st in the morning I will be on St. John till noonish. Have afternoon appointments on STT. So call me and schedule time that morn...
I am meeting with some people to talk about the work we are doing tomorrow (Wed.) evening around 6 pm.at Sharky's on St. Croix. Anyone wanting more i...
Update on where we stand with cannabis legislation here in the USVI. Currently legislation for legalization is being written here in the USVI. W...
I'm set now, thanks to great people! But if I hear of anything, I will let you know!
I would say that most of the places I've rented have been just that. People tend to build a large home and make apartments in the "basement" area. T...
Power swim. The Buck Island to Buccaneer 5 mile swim? Great event. They are looking for people to volunteer as kayak spotters. Call 712-2100 and a...
OH! Thanks!
nugblazer - check your pm's
Where did he come from? Did he intern somewhere? Would be interested in learning more. A good friend of mine owns a studio here on STT.