Sandra Davis has 2 nice one bedrooms she just showed me. They are in Frederiksted - very nice. and under $600. Look up the Avis in the VI Phone...
Teresa, Thanks - that was what I was looking for. Thanks for posting it again. I should have looked deeper. Linda
Happy Birthday early Steve! Well wishes for a speedy recovery for Linda J. And congrats to me for officially getting a job today! Yeah! Now ...
about how much does it cost - how do they figure it? Trying to decide to bring or buy. Linda
Josh, Good luck to you - if you need anything get with me. When I lost a friend suddenly last fall, I decided that life is worth living and realize...
Becky, I am sooooo sorry. We left the parking lot while you were almost to your car. I can't say that I was any more observant. We should have wa...
sure - got my number still? call me in the morning. Early is better - before 8am or after noon - I'm doing the kayak tour at 8:30am. We'll talk som...
So, where is he housesitting? I run around this crazy island all day long and could give him a lift somewhere or grab a bite to eat. I've been to of...
really in love equal lots of sex? Where are those toys? Could I borrow one or two? lol - you kill me. Music is said to enhance the experience (or ...
you have a pm
I'm getting used to finding the bugs in the middle of the night - I just turn the light on first. Today I saw a geko in the house - not unusual, but ...
I find that I am up between 5am and 5:30am without an alarm. The sun, something about the air here, I'm not sure what it is. But I haven't set an al...
Thanks honey! I preciate it. Give me a way to reach you and we'll have to do that hike. I saw your pics - wow - you and that camera~ Linda
No crap given for opinions. Have you just been lurking lately? I haven't seen any posts. I know that I am so done by the end of the day (8pm) that ...
The men. The gongolas(sp) catipillar like millipedes or whatever. Centipedes are wider, faster, and gross. I've seen 3 dead ones since I've been...
My personal opinion is that living here is so different from being here on vacation (you don't leave in a week - you have to learn how to deal with ev...
This is one I can speak first hand info. They are everywhere. Keep shoes/clothes/etc. up off the floors. Haven't found any in bed. They don't like...
try this link
Lutheran Social Services has quite a large ad in the Avis looking for a variety of educational employees. If you are interested, private message me a...
lots of newbies coming down - that's great! We'll have to plan a STX get-together once everyone is down.
Try it now - first time ever using that - power went off here at the house I'm staying at for a couple of hours. Go figure - island life at it's fine...