Thank you!
Curious - what is your reasons to come to St. Croix?
I knew there was a reason I took a break from this site.
It appalls me that some decent (I hope) people here believe that as long as it is a life being taken of a "thug" it's alright. Like their life has no...
Where else can you have 13 years of Fair without an incident? It was a great time. Music was awesome - Blackstar Band outdid themselves! Gange is F...
From YHG - go to the light by the senior housing complex (dysfunction Junction) and make a right (coming from Havensight). It will be on your right.
It is like just past Sharky's going east on the hill on the right. The back of Flamboyant Welcome sides up against that.
Course maintenance or machine (tractor, mower, cart) maintenance? It does make a difference.
The petitions are available for EVERYONE with an opinion one way or the other to sign. Call one of the board members or residents who have the petiti...
Now they are requiring you to present a copy of your driving record from the state you are moving from to get a VI drivers license. Something to know...
Dan, I'm glad you are doing this. It was in 2005 that Eric and his family had to leave the island because their autistic son couldn't get decent se...
My personal opinion is that you should come for a pmv totally UNLIKE a vacation. They are 2 totally different animals. You should find a local s...
Check out the classified forum on the forum list. There are a few property managers that post their openings there. Some fairly decent deals. L...
I'm from the Battle Creek area. I lived in the Detroit area for many years and worked as a business analyst for the auto industry. Lived in the Gayl...
With Ric hosting - no matter how bad you are at Trivia - it will be a hoot!
Unhappy? No - I'm about as blessed and happy as I can be. Life is good. Thank you. Hope your holidays bring you joy!
Sorry - forgot to include my link -
Michael, Booze is not dear to my heart, But "Rum" is a vast economic engine to the economy of STX. This Island has been able to sustain an econ...
It wasn't that long ago you couldn't drive close to the posted speed limit on that road!
Had a local in La Valle tell me 2 days ago the DEA heli was flying over his house and was so low the prop wash knocked over his big clay potted flower...
Do you really think that their prices are going to be that much more reasonable or that they will be able to keep stock? Look at the problems Officem...
If it wasn't for taking a cruise to St. Croix in 1987, I never would have known this wonderful place existed. Personally, I get close to having anxie...