From what I have observed and found by talking to alot of both men and women here on St. Croix, I must defend the women. It is island culture (if...
I've heard of lots of people getting them within just weeks - has to do with election year.
What island, when? What is your background? Hotel I work at is looking for chef type person. Feel free to call me or pm me. 340-712-2131 at work. ...
The 3 bed/2 bath above me is available - $1000/mo. Just outside Christiansted. Quiet neighborhood. PM me or call me 340-719-6418 or daytime 340-712-...
I just sent a friend back stateside who came to work for season. He called it his "hellhole of a rock". When I left him at the airport, I told him t...
Come on Alexandra - think...I'm sure you can think of at least one item. lol
Yeah, no one said that paradise is perfect!
I went to Gallows Bay Garden Center - next to the hardware. They have this stuff called BENGEL GOLD. They swear it kills (and keeps away) all crawle...
Jimi - either PM me or call me at work - I'm here all day today. I work at The Buccaneer on STX. 340-712-2100 ext. 755. Might have leads on both wo...
Terry, Though I haven't been since being here on island, I love the races - and thus, watch for when they are. They usually post in the paper the w...
Don't forget - There is a Tupperware dealer here on island. And I offer a special deal for those who move here. Becky - I miss you and Russ. Ca...
Let's all work to make this a better place to live - where ever "this" is = here in the USVI or stateside or where ever. We all have a responsibility...
Tell me more about this! I live near by and would enjoy jumping in to help.
93.5 Paradise. It is in Gallows Bay above the post office. He is the mid-day guy.
I was curious about this before I moved here too. I used to have asthma quite bad - spent 40 days over 1 year in the hospital and off work for 3 mont...
Sounds like maybe his name describes him "Acock" = A Cock. Please accept my humble apology if I have offended anyone! There are all kinds on the...
My suggestion - get a broom. Although, in the short time I've been here - at 2 different houses - I've been awakened by having a gongola fall on me ...
I would love to join, but have to work a split shift that day. Jobs - how dare they interfere with my social life! lol I will be thinking of you...
Thanks Mel! I too get that "longing for the familiar" feeling. Or is it the "feeling sorry for ourselves living in Paradise" feeling? I have m...
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I have lived in some VERY nice neighborhoods here on stx. Having recently moved, I know live in what is ...
OMG! I just started bawling! Sad to see you go - you've contributed alot to this board. And even as you say your farewell - you help others. ...
Check with Sal at Olympic. Most of them will rent long term. It runs about $900 - $1000 for the month if I remember right. Talk to everyone you...