Thanks for the info Alexandra. I saw the "mortgage" tuition listed. I did see too that they offer merit scholarships and guarantee tuition assistanc...
Jane, I am looking at keeping my 15 year old daughter her this fall. She is a sophmore in high school, and I am considering CDS. What is the proce...
It seems to be fairly reliable - except that they were waiting for parts - then when it came they got a wrong one - wasn't stainless steel. So they h...
Dntw8up is right. Your car is worth more money here resale than in the states. A $1000 car stateside would get twice that here generally. And besid...
Interesting....and I almost had them bring over a part from Puerto Rico for work.
Yesterday there was a woman carrying 5 boxes (big ones) of Krispy Creme off the plane when I picked up my daughter. I told her there was someone here...
check out this site. Pretty interesting. If you click on the word map by whichever quake you want to see more about it maps it for you.
They really were hoping I was going to San Juan - for Taco Bell type food
If you go up the road to a path that leads thru some "woods" it is mild enough that I was able to make it w/o problems at over 200 lbs. THere is a mu...
Check this out - these are the directions I followed. Too hard to find by 4x4 even if it is passable anymore. Last fall it was barely.
I talk to a lot of "locals" - those that are struggling to feed their families, get to work, etc. I ask them how they do it - how they feel about liv...
Darrin, I live across the street. My son leaves tomorrow morning and you can work something out here for a bit. Stop by, the black car across the ...
According to one of the housekeepers at work they do spit at people and it will make you sick or worse. She is violently afraid of any frog.
The AVIS is the local paper in stx. No website - can subscribe though. What kind of work are you looking for?
Best place is Crystal at Illusions. It is in the strip by Mailboxes, Johnny Mangos, Western Auto. She is a former Miss Big & Beautiful USVI or somet...
Shelly, I have a 3 br 1 ba apartment - no ac - 5 fans going most the time, 2 tv's run probably 5 hours total w/ everyone using different times. I g...
directly from WAPA. I live in a "Neighborhood" that is serviced with WAPA water. There is a cistern for the house and the people in the upper portion ...
So, I guess all I have left is my beauty. Boy am I in trouble!
My bill ended up being $64 for water usage plus their other charges. Yep - 22cents per gallon
Wapa charges about 22 cents/gal according to their office here on stx. I went thru almost 3,000 gallons and thought the way she said it my bill was g...
Thanks guys! Will you be at the picnic this weekend at Mike and Linda's?
Thanks Linda. You and Ric have been an important part of my first year. Thanks for everything you've done for me - so much - and for all of the peop...