Linda from Michigan
Linda from Michigan
Honorable Member
Joined: March 5, 2005 1:18 pm
Topics: 65 / Replies: 485
Re: trying to find a good haircut

Crystal at Indulgence at 713-1489. This is near Mailboxes next to where Western Auto was. Mon's Barber shop is a favorite. It is across from the P...

18 years ago
Re: need housing in STX

I just emailed you.

18 years ago
Re: apartment prices

Pets = no pets The prices here range from $400 for a roommate/house share to $1200/mo for a furnished 2 bedroom that takes pets. It goes up -- but ...

18 years ago
Re: working in the islands

virgin islands This is a job as a park guide on St. John

18 years ago
18 years ago
Re: Short Term Stay STX

I might have a room available that time period. I can let you know soon. Bedroom w/ house privileges on STX near Hovensa/Peters Rest/Sunny Isle/Sout...

18 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1259
Replies: 4
Views: 1593
Re: Possible job STX

A tad biting aren't we? Remember - we are on an island - and if everyone knows where Val works - then a phone call to follow up isn't out of line. B...

18 years ago
Re: renting a car - STX

Call Olympic Car rental - they are in both Christiansted and Fredericksted. The number is 340-773-8000. They are "island rentals" - but cheap. The c...

18 years ago
Re: STX housing before 1/1/07

PM me or email me at I have some ideas. Tell us more about you though.

18 years ago
Re: drivers license

Just like if you move to say Ohio from Michigan - you have only so long to get a valid STATE DRIVER'S LICENSE. It is a state id not federal.

18 years ago
Re: drivers license

Well, according to the nice Public Safety Officer who stopped me the other day - once you have been here for a continuous 90 days you better have one ...

18 years ago
Re: WEST or EAST end Pony Club?

Or call Diane Chandler at 773-9042 or 773-5167. She is something to do with the East End Pony Club. Ivan Minerik owns/runs 4 Star Real Estate. His ...

18 years ago
Re: outsiders

Beth, You and Tabra are truely special people. You guys are so comfortable - people couldn't not be nice to you.

18 years ago
Re: Meeting other singles!

As long as fidelity isn't an issue - you should have no problem finding a man on STX. Seems that they believe that "the more the merrier" pertains. ...

18 years ago
Re: Linda from Michigan

When? Where at in BC? I was just there the end of August for a whirlwind visit. I still have tons of friends and family. PM me or write me at lovi...

18 years ago
Re: What Non-perishable Foods to bring & save money too

Screen doors - I was quoted $260 for a 6' sliding screen door on STX.

18 years ago
Re: Linda from Michigan

You can email me at - I was born/raised in the Marshall/Battle Creek area, but lived in the Gaylord area (Lewiston to be exact)...

18 years ago
Re: outsiders

In defense of no one.... I've let people know that I am a local (as opposed to a visitor). It makes a difference sometimes. Should it? Who's to s...

18 years ago
Re: Cheat Sheet - STX Neighborhoods?

Shandra, If I came across rude I apologize. Most people come here(with or w/o children) and find it challenging enough without coming here with sen...

18 years ago
Re: room to rent

Which island?

18 years ago
Re: STX get together

Terry - Just let me know what to bring (if anything) and when to be there. I agree with Linda J - the simpler the better!

18 years ago
Re: Cheat Sheet - STX Neighborhoods?

Why are you moving here? And when? You talk like you know you are coming, but don't know much about where you are coming or what it is like to live ...

18 years ago
Re: Dream Question, LOL

I am one of those who need to factor money into every decision - most anyhow. I thought it was hilarious. I came down here on a 30 day pmv with 3 s...

18 years ago
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