Don't know if this is what you are looking for, but did you see this website? There may be more info for you there.
Hello Jane, My husband and I are also trying to narrow down our final island destination. Puerto Rico is on the list! Would you mind sharing wi...
Thanks a lot Alexandra! Sounds great! Now....Hmmmm......???? I need to figure out how I can make that happen!! Kat
That would be great Alexandra! I just did an internet search for CBP and read a lot of info there and sent them an email, but nothing specific to St....
Hi Alexandra, Thanks for the reply to my question about drug dogs on St. Croix. You mentioned the Border Customs Patrol has been looking to acqu...
Hello Everyone! I just checked out as well. Thanks for the lead. Here's my question: My husband and I have both been a...
It worked!! Thanks Islander!! Now I can feel just a little closer to the islands while I work at my computer!!! Kat 🙂
Thanks STT Resident!! You are right! That is such a special gift!! Kat I am not a Troll! I didn't mean to upset anyone. I actually learned my lesson. I got scared by the responses. I am actually shaking now ...
Hello, I was laughing to myself about the rusted out junker cars comments. I was remembering back to when I lived on the Big Island of Hawaii an...
Wow! Thank you all so much for your great information and feedback!! I really appreciate it! I love this board and all the great members who make i...
Congrats to you all for getting started on livin' your dreams!! Since living through the hurricanes that went across us in Florida last year, I have ...
Hi Sidnie, Not down there yet, but we will be by Fall 2006! If there is not a Parrothead club, I'd be happy to start one with you!! Maybe we ca...
I'd like to know the answer to this question, too. And how does it compare to St. Croix, as well? I want to feel as if I am raising my children in t...
Right on, Linda!! Absolutely awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing! And I saw your other post about family/friends at home not being very support...
Hi Linda, I have been enjoying your updates from your PMV! Living vicariously through you right now!! Looking forward to seeing your pic's once...
Hi! I just happened to read something relevant to this question in the mag, July 2005 Caribbean Travel & Life, in the Postcards section. The Topic w...
Wow!! Linda and Mike, I am soooo excited for you!! Can't wait to get the reports from your visit!! Alright, That's it! Where is my Kenny CD fo...
HI Nemo! I would like to know more about living in the BVI and being able to go back and forth to the USVI for shopping, etc. Could someone live...
Hi Tedd, Will you be working with a specific Dome Home company? If so, do they have a website? Thanks, Kat
Mike, What is a Caribbean Round House? Kat