Looks like Sahara sand to me. Got some in my contacts and it was definitely "sandy." 🙂
We watched him/them too. So much fun! He did this thing where they stopped playing and he walked into the audience with his cordless mic before start...
Angry Nates had a float yesterday.
Not much surfing here on any island, waves too small - need to go to a different latitude. Quieter = less tourist activity, but we welcome it all...
STX is quieter and has a really good yoga community here - but you will need to be active to be involved. If you search the threads on this board you...
Thank you swans. And we're home now from some serious Mardi Croix fun with a lot of people - taking a nap. 🙂
The BF had to take an ambulance to the hospital on STX in December. We found everyone we worked with to be good people committed to his health. I re...
Cruzan Gardens.
Yeah, and it's why we're running late this morning! Ow...my head.....:D
I'd like to suggest what is always suggested - the PMV ("pre-move visit"). There are many good places to live on island, and you have to decide which...
It was smaller. It was still fun. The mood on island is what it is because of Hovensa - I imagine some people just didn't feel like going. It was a...
I would like to publicly apologize to nathan if it seemed that I insulted him. It wasn't my intent to do so - sometimes advice and discussion comes a...
I have thought about joining a musical group - or playing for a church or another organization. I'll be looking more as I get more into things. 😀
Thanks everyone for all the help! And yes, my move is "firm," which is why I'd like to figure this out for the long term. I'm going to move slowly w...
Rebuttal. I don't have a side in this other than I never believe a first report. 🙂
Yes...*sighs*...I've pretty much resigned myself to that. We don't have A/C, don't need it. I don't like electric pianos - don't like how th...
Ms Information was just sharing her opinion. It wasn't an attack on anyone - just her opinion of how she feels when she sees a tattoo. 🙂 And h...
Yes, I know. It's not a valuable antique, just mine. 🙂 I do miss it though!
I have tattoos, but I respect the rights of others to not like them if they don't. I'm still their friends and am friendly and kind to them. 🙂 ...
I've noticed the "rotten egg" smell a LOT more lately from the refinery heading towards the airport. The BF and I figure that they're just cranking e...
@speee1dy - agreed! 🙂
I think that's the way most long discussions go on most boards - once the original topic has tapered out, they tend to drift. It seems that the H...