Noble Member
Joined: December 31, 2011 7:31 pm
Topics: 25 / Replies: 1316
Re: Retailers that ship to USVI?

Well for me that's one of the few things that would be worth putting on the cargo boat if need be. Nothing beats a top notch cleaning tool! 🙂 ...

13 years ago
Re: Retailers that ship to USVI?

A Roomba type vacuum. :@) I've seen them at CULess on STT. Sorry, but a yawn and sigh go along with this response. 😀 Cool. Local is alway...

13 years ago
Re: Retailers that ship to USVI?

Amazon ships lots of stuff here. I've bought a couple of small appliances on that site. Expect to pay a bit more for shipping, but it's not too bad...

13 years ago
Re: Retailers that ship to USVI?

A large or small appliance? Like, a refrigerator, or a toaster oven...? :S

13 years ago
Re: Jupiter and Venus - March Skywatching

Drat. *puts broom away* 😀

13 years ago
Re: What goods are the most scarce / expensive?

Edited because I just realized it was off topic! 🙂 So I'll second what oldtart said - adaptibility is key. There are lots of yummy low-cost th...

13 years ago
Re: Jupiter and Venus - March Skywatching

If anyone uses an Apple iPad, iPod touch, or iPhone, the "Star Walk" app is so handy for those of us who aren't skilled like Swan at identifying every...

13 years ago
Re: What goods are the most scarce / expensive?

There's a lot that's just locational. Like you can't get good cold water fresh seafood here. You can't get good iceberg lettuce here. OH! And ...

13 years ago
Re: Good Afternoon!

It is one of the things I love about St. Croix - the hearty welcome everywhere, all times of day. I return it and do the best I can as I work to no l...

13 years ago
Re: On island for a year. --- What now?

stcroixcalendar.com is run by Joe Hazi who has worked for Hovensa for years. If Joe leaves this year, who knows if the calendar will be maintained by...

13 years ago
Re: Relocating to Saint Thomas

Would you suggest that we explore the options of a move to Saint Croix. We have not been there only Saint Thomas.I chose Saint Thomas because i felt w...

13 years ago
Re: St Croix Agricultural Fair Slideshow

Awesome pics! Thank you for sharing them. 🙂 So much fun!

13 years ago
Re: A bit concerned about moving to the V.I's now.

I'm seeing a lot of postive things in the future as well, and am doing my best to contribute to this community. Hey, me too. We just disagree on...

13 years ago
Re: A bit concerned about moving to the V.I's now.

...whatever. Most people who live on St. Croix do not worry about crime as much as some of the people on this board would have you believe. It is ac...

13 years ago
Re: Art Farm (STX)

I've bought Goya sofrito and recaito before - used it for cooking in Texas. But I've never seen recao/culantro before - I'm thrilled to have learned ...

13 years ago
Re: A bit concerned about moving to the V.I's now.

It's the PER CAPITA rates that you have to look at JK. Sure, violent crime is everywhere, but not in so great of proportion to such a small community...

13 years ago
Re: Art Farm (STX)

Quite possibly - it tastes and smells just like cilantro, but it is a different herb. I'm going to go look it up now - thank you! 🙂

13 years ago
Re: A bit concerned about moving to the V.I's now.

.....I don't know that I would use the phrase "out of control" - it's fearmongering... 🙂 Fear-mongering---no. Fact--yes. The USVI boasts one ...

13 years ago
Re: Art Farm (STX)

I love Art Farm - the quality is stellar. I find the prices very reasonable too! They have a cilantro btw that's more "grasslike" than leaves - ...

13 years ago
Re: A bit concerned about moving to the V.I's now.

The BF has lived on STX for seven years and only known one person that suffered "violent crime" during those years - a friend's dad was mugged at 2am ...

13 years ago
Re: Prices here in Virginia Beach, VA ~USA

Gas in Texas over the weekend was touching $4/gallon. We spend less on gas here because we do a lot less driving. I also consolidate trips so I'...

13 years ago
Re: verizon cell phones

When I moved to STX, I had to cancel my Verizon service and change to AT&T. As others have mentioned, Verizon doesn't have any plans available on isl...

13 years ago
Re: On island for a year. --- What now?

I'm just getting caught up, but I suggest following all of the St. Croix resources on Twitter - every day there are announcements on there of many dif...

13 years ago
Re: slower clocks

I go by my phone and sunrise/sunset. Much easier. 😉

13 years ago
Re: Carambola made T&L reader's poll

Hi longislandAl - do you have a link to an article? I'd enjoy sharing that information with others! 🙂

13 years ago
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