Noble Member
Joined: December 31, 2011 7:31 pm
Topics: 25 / Replies: 1316
Re: National Park shut down

Congasan, do you have independent citations of all you just stated?

11 years ago
Re: National Park shut down

And many companies can't hire people because background checks are stopped. This dumb thing truly has brought our stateside economy to a partial stand...

11 years ago
Re: 757 coming to STX!

Except there's no Eagle flight to SJU any longer and a ticket requires an additional fare (and hassle) for Seaborne or Cape Air. It also means a much ...

11 years ago
Re: And Obama Care...

This one of the primary reasons we're moving, unfortunately.

11 years ago
Re: 757 coming to STX!

The thing that they're doing different now that is not the same as last year is they're not leaving the aircraft in STX overnight. I'm assuming that ...

11 years ago
Re: 757 coming to STX!

My biggest complaint right now is the schedules - they're only flying in the middle of the day. Which means to get to and from Austin, basically I ha...

11 years ago
Re: 757 coming to STX!

Have flown the 757 back and forth to MIA several times in the last three weeks now...I think it's the oldest plane in the fleet! Beat up, seats torn,...

11 years ago
Re: Food Fair open!

The most important thing is if they have the same chocolate selection as Food Town.

11 years ago
Re: 757 coming to STX!

Have flown the 757 back and forth to MIA several times in the last three weeks now...I think it's the oldest plane in the fleet! Beat up, seats torn,...

11 years ago
Re: Shipping Vehicle Back to the States

Ooooh! But good advice regardless!

12 years ago
Re: Shipping Vehicle Back to the States

They took the spark plugs out of the engine?

12 years ago
Re: Shipping Vehicle Back to the States

Thank you Rowdy802! Lots of great advice!

12 years ago
Re: Help! Kindle, Apple IPad or Android tablet?

Alana, last time I checked Office Max had most of the tablets in stock so you can go over there and check them out in person. If I hear what you're a...

12 years ago
Re: Help! Kindle, Apple IPad or Android tablet?

Tottsmom, Amazon now supports Prime in over 60 countries. It works great here in the VI! I stream everything, no problem. Works the same here as wh...

12 years ago
Re: Help! Kindle, Apple IPad or Android tablet?

The Kindle HD is also an android device and you can install other readers on it as applications - it's not the same as the Kindle of two years ago. O...

12 years ago
Re: Help! Kindle, Apple IPad or Android tablet?

One advantage I will offer with the Kindle HD is that it is very "out of the box" user friendly and has a really slick interface. It is a complete ta...

12 years ago
Re: Shipping Vehicle Back to the States

Well for $700 we'll do it for sure! I'll call Seastar too. Any other experiences to share please do! I'm also concerned about how long it takes...

12 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 2780
Re: Help! Kindle, Apple IPad or Android tablet?

I have a Kindle Fire HD and I love it, it does everything an iPad does and it is 1/2 the price. I read books on it and also stream movies and TV show...

12 years ago
Re: Dog Food...

And I know a dog owner whose dog became deathly ill after eating dog treats laced with melamine. And there are more dog food recalls and deaths a...

12 years ago
Re: Dog Food...

For a scientist's opinion, I'm a wildlife and fisheries biologist (TAMU pre-vet, 1992), and I see nothing wrong with feeding a BARF diet to dogs. My ...

12 years ago
Re: Walmart Groceries Back to the Virgin Islands?

Paradise Freight is close to VI Cargo in Peter's Rest here on island too. No idea if both will make it or if one will supercede the other. I'm t...

12 years ago
Re: Masonic lodge

This is the lodge on St. Thomas. Reading various boards most say there is not a lodge on St. Croix, but perhaps if you ask the St. Thomas secretary t...

12 years ago
Re: GERS Proposes Massive Development in Coakley Bay - STX

Yep. No business plan, barely any due diligence. and yet they're asking for a sweeping zoning change/allotment in an area that will cost a fortune be...

12 years ago
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