Except the facts that are posted are facts that agree with the posting in this article, they are not being "twisted." Taking the time to read and cli...
The state of CO is banking the money for them with JPMorgan Chase and two other banks, no issues (at least not at the moment). Not sure I would trust...
Here's NOAA's "Arctic Report Card" - just one of many independent citations in the article, which is why I posted it, they do a good job summing up ot...
The article just does a good job of summing up facts which are easily found on other sources, which is the only reason I posted it. You can run a web...
Polar Vortex and Climate Change: Why Rush Limbaugh and Others Are Wrong An easy read review - and point #3 specifically addresses the fallaci...
Randall Simmonds, Mystical Lawn Care. Great guy and great landscaper. You can tell him Julie gave you his number. 🙂 (340) 277-6445
I think some of you could start a flamewar over yoga and charity work, jesus. Actually, both of those topics have already been argued about on he...
They're closed for good. I'm friends with the owner on FB.
Of course you all kidding about lighting these things on fire but tossing them in the garbage where they end up in landfills which get rained on and c...
Heck, toss in those old spray paint cans too. They make some fun mini-explosions. In Texas they call them Redneck fireworks! (I get to say this bec...
Most of my friends consider me a flaming liberal 😉 Even my friends that I consider kind of eco-freaks embrace having a small, responsible campfire ...
Actually, soot is a major component of particulate matter in the atmosphere affecting climate. Think of how many families worldwide who still burn fue...
Like I said, whatever you want is OK with me. But like every other thing that the government tries to run or control, we won't get any positive r...
Exactly ms411. And the fact that so many people don't pay means they've pretty much given up chasing down debts. It's common knowledge on STX if you...
Btw the former owners consider being shut down by the secret service an epic success. 😉
I heard it wasn't the health department, it was the inspector general's office after the Secret Service and Biden complained about the incredible nois...
H2O has pulled out, I know, due to "complications with the hotel."
I'd rather pay the extra dollar or two at Caribbean Host in the airport to avoid all the hassles. P.S. I've bought 151 numerous times without a prob...
Wikipedia. It references an average 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 acres (just in the US!). 3,000 trees per acre yields 10-30 billion trees. I am ...
about 10-30 BILLION trees burn from natural wildfires each year in the US alone seems to be a fairly nanometer-sized impact. Please provide a sou...
I'd rather pay the extra dollar or two at Caribbean Host in the airport to avoid all the hassles. P.S. I've bought 151 numerous times without a prob...
I've been told by my DPNR friend that beach fires are permit-only in the VI to protect sea turtle nests. They can be roasted alive in the shell withou...
I found out today that SCLawGuy is on STX and is also a good friend of mine! It's funny putting online nicknames to faces. 🙂
One thing that Colorado is doing to drive profits is playing up the experience of pot - there are pot tastings, restaurants are choosing foods to pair...