Noble Member
Joined: December 31, 2011 7:31 pm
Topics: 25 / Replies: 1316
Re: Anyone got more info about the homicide near UVI-STT today?

There has been, it seems , a lot more crime these past couple of months. I hear you. My perception is also that it is sad on STX from what I see...

10 years ago
Re: Sunshine Foundation

Oh that's good advice vicanuck, thanks!

10 years ago
Re: Sunshine Foundation

Thanks STXBob, I tried that address first. I'm sure they just don't check the mailboxes very often. That's why I was hoping to get an actual name. ...

10 years ago
Re: Anyone got more info about the homicide near UVI-STT today?

There has been, it seems , a lot more crime these past couple of months. I hear you. My perception is also that it is sad on STX from what I see...

10 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1313
Re: Villa Greenleaf STX

In Florida there is a program to dedicate "heritage trees" in the state, primarily in parks and nature preserves. This program preserves and honors t...

11 years ago
Re: Villa Greenleaf STX

I have heard rumors of the original family buying back the property and restoring it. But that is all speculation on my part, who knows. I think tha...

11 years ago
Re: Villa Greenleaf STX

There were quite often at night sounds of music playing outside under the tree, and shadows moving as if people at a party and dancing. Going outside...

11 years ago
Re: Villa Greenleaf STX

We used to be the owners, with a partner. VG was open through 2011. It is no longer operational and the website belongs to the old partner - no idea...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

Not everyone can afford night school - the costs of education are increasing while real wages are decreasing. This is again a fact, not a political s...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

rotor, you know that there are plenty of people in the USA who work really hard and make poverty wages - the group of the working poor is rapidly grow...

11 years ago
Re: aircraft mechanic.... or need to go back to school?

STX also needs a really good generator mechanic for an existing business. It may be a year or two before it is completely yours but it will definitel...

11 years ago
Re: Gay couple looking for friends

Wow! Just wow! Normal and Proper? Says who? With my way of thinking, the pieces of the puzzle fit properly and look correct, the way the "make...

11 years ago
Re: Gay couple looking for friends

And MossquittoBait, if you are using the bible as your excuse for " living as god intended" or whatever your point is, then allow me to say this. ...

11 years ago
Re: aircraft mechanic.... or need to go back to school?

My only bit I can contribute to the conversation is that a good friend of mine's husband relocated them from STX to the Middle East last year to find ...

11 years ago
Re: Bosch dishwasher

Home Depot would be a good one to check with ordering as well. I've heard some nightmare stories about ordering via Kmart/Sears in the last year.

11 years ago
Re: Fox news website

Who knows. The general answer is there are lots of games afoot with internet routing now that net neutrality has been shot down.

11 years ago
Re: any university students on here

You should thoroughly read the forum posts here on scooters before deciding to buy one. 😉 Good luck with the move!

11 years ago
Re: Gay couple looking for friends

Exactly, rotor. Well said.

11 years ago
Re: Gay couple looking for friends

Thanks Julie - I'm glad this is starting to come out as a debate. It'll happen sooner rater than later with each state's ban falling and the overturn...

11 years ago
Re: Gay couple looking for friends

Just like if black people kept their heads down in the 60s no one would have had an issue with them? I mean, having to listen to others speaking up a...

11 years ago
Re: Working Remotely for Stateside Companies

I think speee1dy meant connectspace.vi. I'm not sure how active or current these are, but here you go:

11 years ago
Re: Gay couple looking for friends

So God didn't create homosexuality? Or he did, but he did it just to screw with millions of people and make their lives torment? Either way, tha...

11 years ago
Re: Gay couple looking for friends

And if you got to read some of the comments I saw on Senator Buckley's photo, I would be very afraid to be "out" as a homosexual in the VI. People op...

11 years ago
Re: Gay couple looking for friends

I STILL can't believe its 2014 and people are still arguing about this. Holy crap I'm imbarassed for our species. 100% Agreed.

11 years ago
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