Honorable Member
Joined: January 21, 2006 5:34 pm
Topics: 30 / Replies: 511
Re: im bored...

Slower, yes, but if your work/life does not allow the luxury of slower, it can be quite a conflict. Less stressful? I haven't found that to be t...

17 years ago
Re: Help with mold!

I have the same problem. There is no easy, cheap, or even good solution, but here is just about everything that can be done: 1. Put dehumidifie...

17 years ago
Re: question for the "Aggies"

Tammy, Can you give me any pointers about the cukes and herbs? Soon I plan to start a modest garden. It will have to be containers. "Must-have...

17 years ago
Re: How bad is the crime?

Please don't get a dog if your sole reason is to have a burglar alarm. Seems like so many people buy dogs to deter crime and those dogs are margi...

17 years ago
possible problems with Nalgene

Just an FYI-- in the last few months issues have been raised about the safety of a certain compound in Nalgene. Such products have been pulled from s...

17 years ago
Re: Pic (test)

Islander, Would it be possible to add a photo forum to this site? It would be nice to have a separate place where we can post pictures.

17 years ago
Re: STT Home Depot

I don't know how prices compare with regards to STT vs PR's HD, but you can order items from PR's HD's. When you call the store, ask for the Exports ...

17 years ago
Re: STT Home Depot

My experiences with STT's Home Depot (and other such local companies) have mirrored those of billd. I have tried hard to give my business to loca...

17 years ago
Re: earthquake last night around 10:30 or so ?

Yes, they've always been common here. Some weeks there won't be many; some days there may be 50 or more small quakes. From what I've seen, most...

17 years ago
Re: Christmas songs (not for Trade!)

My favorite Christmas recording (and completely,mind bogglingly bizaare) is "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" by Joseph Spence, a Bahamian musician. ...

17 years ago
Re: another earthquake

They sure come in bunches, don't they? Yesterday there were more than 50 reported earthquakes in the Virgin Islands Region (mag. 2.5 and greater).

17 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1150
Re: Disney Cruise to return to STX

My oh my. Someone apparently doesn't know Alexandra...

17 years ago
Re: WAPA Outage STX Dec 12

I too am sick of the power outages (STT). In the last week my power was off many times. Once at dusk for several hours, and a day or two later it we...

17 years ago
Re: Would anyone be kind enough to..

Small poultry farms? Yes, by every dumpster 🙂

17 years ago
Re: St Thomas or St John ? Give Your Opinion Please!

"we'll end up somewhere between STT and STJ..." Had to giggle. You mean on a boat in Pillsbury Sound? 🙂

17 years ago
Re: Hello everyone

Welcome, Greg. I don't have any information on construction jobs for you (other than there's a lot of construction and it seems that there aren't eno...

17 years ago
17 years ago
Re: Car rental, no credit card

I've rented from various agencies without a credit card. I think Budget and Dependable will rent without a credit card but they will hold a lump sum ...

17 years ago
Re: Cost to build

It's been a few years since I reviewed the numbers with an architect, but as I recall he broke it down to these approximations: - $40-100K for e...

17 years ago
Re: Tankless water heater

ascultz-- huh? If the tankless heater is 2 feet from the point of use, then you only have to empty 2 feet of cold water from the pipe. If the hot wa...

17 years ago
Re: Tankless water heater

I installed an electric tankless heater in my condo. It's nice to regain the space formerly taken by the hot water heater! I used an eemax mode...

17 years ago
Re: Unpacked container this weekend. Update

Good information-- thanks for the update! I've been hear a year and a half and STILL haven't moved my stuff down. Hopefully soon...

17 years ago
Re: Vacation Rental that Sleeps 6 - STT ?

"...was apparently devastated by the latest hurricane wave...T" What hurricane? I thought Dean et al missed us by quite a bit. I didn't hear th...

17 years ago
Re: Need help remembering a name...

Online phone book for VI

17 years ago
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