Neil, Probably couldn't find it because it was about a year ago. We called All America Direct. They gave us the waiver spiel. Said they would app...
I guess it was Trade's jaw dropping!
Yeah, plumbers might have been a bad comparison. Notice I didn't say electricians!!
Any tomatoes at UVI yet?
I guess as much as anything, most of the postings on this thread and previous ones about the same subject. I suppose if I were to ask you don't y...
Ms Info that's a great idea. My posting the amount was based on a two people dining at an average place. The hourly wage if tipped at 20% based ...
Neil, I haven't followed the Choice thread. I'll go there next. But, I have all the networks through All America Direct. I posted the process on ...
Tip the entire & drink 😉 Absoutely agree! The exception, for some people, is on bottles of wine.
I never cared for it under the old management. We'll give it another go.
Hi Rosalie, I'm on St. Croix, so I can't meet you, but a couple of questions. Where are you staying on St. Thomas? Depending on which end of the i...
lol trw! Do you think she was just daffy, and didn't realize she could add it, or do you think she meant she could not afford to add anything more to...
When I said there were very few exceptions to the routes I outlined, I was actually thinking of Bovoni/Bolongo area. I have seen them, but so rarely ...
Those same 7 emails are back again! Something is definitely going on at hotmail.
Bombi, What do you mean about the cell phone laws? I thought you could use your cell in an emergency.
About 5-10 minutes before my last post on here I deleted 7 emails. After posting, I went right back to my hotmail, and all 7 emails were there again....
Yes, happened to me a couple of times.
I don't care so much about the server not splitting the check. I don't understand why they won't do separate checks, in the first place. There is on...
I think the safaris are actually pretty easy to figure out. There are two routes. One route goes from west (UVI area) through downtown, out to Tu...
Dan, Glad to see you up and on the mend. But remember, don't overdo it just because you are starting to feel better. It's sneaky, and can have you...
Betty, I'd like to add two of my pet peeves. 1. Don't serve the food without silverware already on the table ,or have it with you when you bri...
Of course the point I am trying to make, and I thought it was pretty obvious, is that in any customer service business, we (you/they/whomever) work fo...
speee1dy, How long have you lived here? Someone told me once they have their employees read if after they have been here for a year. I read it on ...
We skipped the parade, but we did go to Smuggler's last night and heard Finnegan's Wake for the first time. They were really good, but when it comes ...
On the contrary...diners are indeed employers. Obviously not in the dictionary version, but if you don't realize who you are working for you probably...