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Joined: August 21, 2006 1:42 am
Topics: 207 / Replies: 2903
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

LaKhaime (sp?) , the new health food place on Northside Rd, in the building with the paint store, next to Food Town. Very tasty, healthy food, to...

16 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 880
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

It's funny. I am not a smoker and my husband not only is not a smoker, he can't STAND it! He has never had much sense of smell. Our boat was actual...

16 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

I agree with divingirl about Brew Pub and Chicken Charlie's. Don't care for the food at either place. We do have another choice for Mexican, Cohiba,...

16 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

My favorite is Salud! It's small and intimate, but still has a fun feel, particularly at the bar. We always run into people we know, and for us, it'...

16 years ago
Re: Cyril King opening time

Not too long along ago I knew of someone who had the very early flight out of STX. I told her the airport didn't open that early, so she didn't get t...

16 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

And the Kmart-Sears will order any appliance that Sears sells. They don't honor sale prices you can find online, but they do offer their own discount...

16 years ago
Re: Rust

Betty, You're a trend setter!

16 years ago
Re: Dentist

I haven't heard much of anything about Dr. Fabio (even though I live right across the street), but I tried to get into see Dr. Fraebel a couple of yea...

16 years ago
Re: Rust

I'm keeping my new stainless fridge covered in WD-40. It's great on most things, but unfortunately it's time consuming wiping everything all the time...

16 years ago
Re: High Rent!!

ajohnson, I have a small apartment complex on STX. My least expensive apartment is $650 a month (sorry, it's taken), and they go up from there. I ...

16 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 2472
Re: Fitness clubs for gray beards

I'm a member at Beeston Hill. The active adult class that eeva mentioned is really cute. I sat in on it once. Literally sat! It's truly for seriou...

16 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

I hope you guys can open this website. It is one of the coolest ideas I've seen in a long time. It's not really a new idea, people in the VI are act...

16 years ago
Re: Drivers License or Passport

Where is the passport office on St. Croix? I really should change mine to my married name, so I can stop carrying the marriage certificate with it.

16 years ago
Re: Choice To Turn Off TV Service

Pamela, I so feel your pain! This is all so above my head, I'm lost. I'm thinking the easiest, least expensive, quick and dirty answer for you is ...

16 years ago
Re: Drivers License or Passport

LOL. I'm laughing at myself. I use my passport when I take the seaplane. I guess it's the country girl in me. Something "glamorous" about a passpo...

16 years ago
Re: Satellite TV

Way to go Neil! Glad it worked for you.

16 years ago
Re: Drivers License or Passport

Here's a thought...If someone has a US drivers license, wouldn't it stand to reason they would be allowed into the country? Even if they are not a US...

16 years ago
Re: wages

QueenofdeRock, I'm not sure why all the "baiting". Do I know you? Whatever...Yes I do participate in threads on tipping. It's something I know ab...

16 years ago
Re: wages

Juanita you going back into the service industry? You sure don't want to see this thread die. Never left it!;)

16 years ago
Re: wages

Hard to get rich waiting tables, but I have known several bartenders on St. Thomas averaging around $300 a night, working 4 or 5 nights a week. Not b...

16 years ago
Re: Choice To Turn Off TV Service

I've never heard of a dish being stolen here. We didn't mount our dishes on our roof because we don't want holes in the roof. During a "bad"...

16 years ago
Re: Russian speakers

I kind of doubt it. Certainly not in my circle of business contacts, etc. The best place to ask might be UVI. I think it might be an occasional con...

16 years ago
Re: Drivers License or Passport

When traveling to the USVI from the United States, all you need is ID, same as if you were flying from New York to California, or anywhere else in the...

16 years ago
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