Famed Member
Joined: August 21, 2006 1:42 am
Topics: 207 / Replies: 2903
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Haven't thought of fried conch in years. We used to eat it in the Bahamas years ago. Yum! I'll see you soon, trw. Salud offers grilled mahi w...

16 years ago
Re: server job

I had a tenant last year who was hired to work as a server at the Buccaneer from off island. I've know quite several people on St. Thomas who were hi...

16 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

If a couple of the C'sted places offered just 2 or 3 choices like I described, and kept it under $15, even if it was early bird or just during the off...

16 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

You know, I LOVE to eat healthy meals, so I like the tip about the tuna and veggies. Anyone else know of any restaurants with specific menu items tha...

16 years ago
Re: I got my Arizona diet green tea!!

LOL, Lola, I see it all the time here on STX, and I always think of you and wonder if you ever found any!

16 years ago
Re: Gas range conversion

And why is Sears not paying for the conversion? They screwed up We haven't gotten to that point yet. It is POSSIBLE the tech will be here that w...

16 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1678
Re: RE-DO Ned a get together STT

amodford30, Any details on the "change in management" at Molly's?

16 years ago
Re: wapa

It helps to have your meter number too.

16 years ago
Re: email from the Pres

Over the next month there is going to be an avalanche of misinformation and scare tactics from those seeking to perpetuate the status quo I think...

16 years ago
Re: Bar for sale

Ed, Maybe I'm just reading too much between the lines, but you do realize he is selling a piece of furniture, not a business, right?

16 years ago
Re: Bar for sale

Thanks, but I'm on St. Croix.

16 years ago
Re: wanted: 1-2 furnished bdrm for 3-6 mos./roomate

Regatta Point is on St. Thomas, right? traveiln'bones is moving to St. Croix. But...if sounds great!

16 years ago
Re: Bar for sale

Which island? How wide is it with the leaves down? Thanks

16 years ago
Re: Scooter rentals on STX?

My Turn Scooter Rentals in F'sted. 340-771-1735 or 340-643-6089. Very nice folks. They are still in business, as far as I know. They were a few we...

16 years ago
Re: Here ye here ye! message board friends...

Depending on who is reading this, you may have just jeopardized that arrangement.

16 years ago
Re: Here ye here ye! message board friends...

Minor point that won't mean much...not all people with a real estate license are Realtors. You must have a license to receive compensation, but you d...

16 years ago
Re: Here ye here ye! message board friends...

Doesn't matter what you call it, it's still illegal. I'm sure it's done all the time, but not talked about out loud.

16 years ago
Re: Bad Landlord

I looked at all of gtmouse's posts. It appears to be a couple, and they have been on island a very short time. This is their first month rental. I ...

16 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Is there another Kendricks? I saw an ad for it somewhere just in the last day or so.

16 years ago
Re: Online shopping: Who will ship to the VI (without costing an arm and a leg)

I bought my new appliances from Sear/Kmart. YES, the prices are much higher. I did a lot of "shopping" and finally bought locally at 20% off the "lo...

16 years ago
Re: Bad Landlord

Hey gtmouse, Sounds like you are having a bad rental experience. Sorry to hear that. The obvious first response is contact an attorney. I underst...

16 years ago
Re: My car needs to be towed, I need advice

Abandoned cars are one of the biggest eyesores in the VI. Just sending a shout-out to all, not just crewguy, to please, please not leave you car on ...

16 years ago
Re: Here ye here ye! message board friends...

Linda, That sounds like a great trip. It's good that you have the time, resources and interest to research so well. I'm sure the locals will appreci...

16 years ago
Re: Here ye here ye! message board friends...

trw, Where is your usual good common sense? 4:00 AM is OK because the Danes don't spend money outside the Caravelle/RR and they don't count??? Wron...

16 years ago
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