Famed Member
Joined: August 21, 2006 1:42 am
Topics: 207 / Replies: 2903
Re: St. Croix vs. St. Thomas

I say if you can get a job with Hovensa, go for it! Good pay, benefits, etc. Not a lot of job opportunities here with the benefits. You can alway h...

15 years ago
Re: Unwanated Furniture WANTED!!!!! STX

Hi, I have a question for you. What (who) is it for? Are you planning to refurbish and sell, donate, etc. or are you looking for something for you...

15 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

trw, I took dirver's ed in high school. The instructor told me he would have failed me if he didn't know I would be driving an automatic. LOL...my...

15 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1598
Re: Virgin Islands today comments

If I could get my kids to move here, I would DO their laundry.

15 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 937
Re: stx today,comments

I normally really like Greg Iles, but that one may be a little over the top for my taste!

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Since this is a relocation board...let me ask this...to those not on island yet, do you usually have gratuity added to 6, or more? (or less?) How muc...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Jumbie, It happened to friends, not me, but since I originally posted about it, an employee of the restaurant gave me the whole skinny on what actua...

15 years ago
Re: STX Shopping Question

My pleasure. Welcome!

15 years ago
Re: STX Shopping Question

Hi Lori, At K-mart, plenty on the shelf. $9.99 for a 6-pack of 8 oz.., either chocolate or vanilla. Now get this....a 12-pack was $21.99, only ...

15 years ago
Re: 2Plus2 - What a surprise

Is the dining room separate from the nightclub? I wouldn't mind trying it out for dinner, but not interested in loud music, etc. Maybe we'll try it ...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

When the gratuity is added to the check, and the customer pays with a credit card, that can really get a little cheeky. Say the bill is $100, grat of...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Jumbie, That was part of the problem. The people who moved the table did so "uninvited". Anyway, there was a total misunderstanding. It wasn't ev...

15 years ago
Re: STX Shopping Question

See it all the time on STX. I'll be shopping tomorrow. I'll try to remember to notice price and stock on hand.

15 years ago
Re: You know you lived in the VI too long when.....

I have lived her for over 15 years, white, not even a tan, never stopped for anything. Same with my husband, also white. Have always found the traff...

15 years ago
Re: Papa Tom - nice to meet ya!

Hey Pamela...I just want to know your "super-power" points. Come on....tell us!!! Oh...and can you tell us why man hole covers are round? Easie...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Just heard of another "we can't (won't) split the check...The party telling me didn't even know the other people (who decided to pull their tables tog...

15 years ago
Re: Virgin Islands today comments

trw, Back off, and don't start someshit! Ronnie is a valuable poster here, and what his ancestors did, or didn't do, isn't the point. I would prefer...

15 years ago
Re: My department of Labor experience

I worked at a large resort in FL. We had a guy show up in HR to apply for a lifeguard position. He was wearing only a swimsuit, no shoes, no shirt. ...

15 years ago
Re: My department of Labor experience

Because it's a government office. "Proper" attire is always required, not to mention, if you do get interviewed (usually you do, I think) you want to...

15 years ago
Re: Traffic Pet Peeves (St. Croix)

And then there are the headlights (and other assorted lights) that have a very shiny backing and almost a light blue tint. Blinding!!, even in daylig...

15 years ago
Re: PO Boxes

Recently a new tenant was turned away because she didn't have her lease with her. Always a good idea to take everything you can possibly think they m...

15 years ago
Re: Article about using the AT&T Air Card

I love it on my netbook for travel or when the power goes out, but that's about it. It was great on a recent trip to Florida. I booked hotel rooms w...

15 years ago
Re: Traffic Pet Peeves (St. Croix)

(tu) I'm with you, Native Son! Oh, and how about ...Mr. "What's a turn signal?"

15 years ago
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