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Joined: August 21, 2006 1:42 am
Topics: 207 / Replies: 2903
Re: STT vs. STX

PMV = Pre move visit. There's always something to do on STT or not, if that's your choice. Might be easier to find jobs here as another poster ...

10 years ago
Re: Utility Cost

I have 2 people in a one bedroom apt. They use the A/C (bedroom only) quite a bit. Their electric for the past month is approx. $220. I won't know ...

10 years ago
Re: Moving to STX - Should I buy a car or ship my own?

mathisJl indicated in another thread there is still a car payment. That changes everything. Need to check with your lender to see if you can ship it...

10 years ago
Re: Thinking about relocating to STT

You will probably have better luck finding a rental that will take the animals if it is unfurnished. So, you'll need to budget for furniture, as well...

10 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

I've been to a few of the Slow Down dinners and enjoyed them. But the last one I went to was way too slow. We left after 5 hours of no food. That was ...

10 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

My favorite dining experience on St. Croix, or anywhere really, is the Ridge to Reef Slow Down dinners. They only have them about once a month, or le...

10 years ago
Re: Question on Euros

Go to the airport when people are checking in for a flight to St. Martin and offer someone to exchange them at the market rate. Sounds like a goo...

10 years ago
Re: Food trucks St Croix

Had to mention the Indian/roti one out by Kmart West - very good and reasonable! I just can't figure out how to add a picture of it - either here or ...

10 years ago
Re: We can't take her with us......... 🙁

We have 2 Bassets ( I didn't even know there was another on island.) We would love to give her a loving home. (tu)

10 years ago
Re: Mr James must leave office

I guess I'm out of the loop, but where is Potter? How long has he been gone, and when will he return to the Territory?

10 years ago
Re: What did you wish you brought with you (or brought more of) when you moved to your island?

drugstore.com is great. Orders over $35 ship free to the VI. I buy Band-Aids from them. The ones we use (daily....that's another story) are over $6...

10 years ago
Re: Selling tax stamp?

Alana, I didn't know that had changed, but isn't the valuation on the tax bill "usually" lower than the selling price, anyway? I took StCroixBeachBoy...

10 years ago
Re: Shipping Household Items vs. Buying in STT

Thanks for the input, everyone! I think we'll plan on maxing out our luggage allowance and then buy the bare necessities in STT. Check the airlin...

10 years ago
Re: Selling tax stamp?

I was the buyer in a transaction back in 2013. I had to pay the tax stamp and it was based on the appraised value that was much higher than the purcha...

10 years ago
Re: Best way to ship personal effects of an incoming UVI student???

There used to be a company called "I'll Do It For You". You might try to google that, or look in the phone book...www.viphonebook.com . It's been a ...

10 years ago
Re: STX - Need Trustworthy Pet Caregiver!

You have probably already thought of this, but the first thing that popped into my mind was prime hurricane season. Whoever you find must be willing ...

10 years ago
Re: Well... Moving to STX... Need rental 🙂

Have you considered taking a temporary rental to buy you more time to find what you really want? I mean, my circumstances were worse because I only ha...

10 years ago
Re: Decisions... Decisions...

I agree with EZ. You can easily move to St. Thomas, if you find St. Croix not to be for you. We lived on STT for 12 years, and liked it fine, then ...

10 years ago
Re: I "discovered" D containers!

Looks like it, until further notice, at least!

10 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1630
Re: St John Female on Today Show

I had my "career" and at 45 years old, sailed to St. Thomas, where I became a waitress and, later, a bartender. I made as much money and at the end o...

10 years ago
Re: What is needed/wanted?

wouldnt it be like uhaul-you ship the pod to one place and leave it there. when someone needs a pod going somewhere else, it is here Yes, I think...

10 years ago
Re: What is needed/wanted?

PODS We need a PODS franchise, so people can pack their own and ship back and forth to the states. I would love to park a pod in my driveway...

10 years ago
Re: Colorful Adirondack chairs for sale!

Are they the kind with the "hump back", like Home Depot has? I guess that's called a lumbar support.

10 years ago
Re: long term rental ASAP

I sent you a PM. I have a spacious one bedroom unit, centrally located, available for your arrival. Only $800 per month for long term and pet friend...

10 years ago
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