Famed Member
Joined: August 21, 2006 1:42 am
Topics: 207 / Replies: 2903
Re: Just found a puppy...

scremped hasn't weighed in here in a while. At this point, he may be thinking he made a mistake even posting here. He definitely did the right thing...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

It's a North Carolina thing. We do a vinegar-based "red" slaw that's supposed to go with pork. White slaw is a totally different concept. I like ...

15 years ago
Re: last minute airline tickets

GoodtoGo, Do you know about the seaplane $49.50 each way STX-San Juan? It's not everyday, not all flights, etc. You just have to "shop" their webs...

15 years ago
Re: seeking employment

Which island? What field?

15 years ago

OK...just opened my latest bill and think that they are nuts. Time to call my poor cousin. How much was it? What was the kwh rate?

15 years ago
Re: Recommend me a hair salon, please--STX

I agree with nforbes. Crystal, the owner of Indulgence participates in continuing training off island, on a regular basis. Up on all the latest and ...

15 years ago
Re: Small tile job on STX

Thanks Theresa, but I really hope to have it done by the time you guys arrive. You never though....I may be taking you up on it. My kitchen remodel...

15 years ago
Re: The old IHOP in Tutu

Saw the sign up yesterday....its a new Dominos Pizza 🙁 Bummer! I'm sorry for you guys on STT. I am soooooo hoping our new IHOP on STX is bett...

15 years ago
Re: Small tile job on STX

Hi Kelsey, Thanks for the response. I already have my tile, and have had my "design" in my head for a long time. I think we'll just buy a tile cut...

15 years ago
Re: AT&T 3G Connect Card

I have Broadband, and I'm happy enough with it. I also have the ATT 3G card for my netbook. I don't use it much because I have the wireless already,...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

What a treat! We had lunch at Eat@Cane Bay, and it says right on the menu..."North Carolina style" for the pulled pork sandwich. That first bite, a...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

margaritagirl, Are you familiar with North Carolina BBQ? Was it like that? "We" don't use sauce, at least not the traditional bbq sauce. NC Q may...

15 years ago
Re: Six More Days!

Hi, and welcome. How long will you PMV be, and when do you plan to actually make the move? Maybe you realize it, but the Island Trader is basically ...

15 years ago

I talked to people from northern CA yesterday. They said their kwh rate was around .10 up to a certain number of kwhs. THEN it jumps to .95 per kwh....

15 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1165

Seems strange to me. Are you sure you understood? Our WAPA bills have come earlier each month for the last 3 months, so I suppose it is possible tha...

15 years ago
Re: apartments under houses?

Not all apartments in houses are in the "basement" either. Since real estate is so expensive here, almost everyone adds an apartment, or two, to sup...

15 years ago
Re: The Incredible Edible Egg

The pleats in a Chef's toque blanc (white hat) represent the 101 ways to cook an egg That's some pretty cool trivia, Noah. When we lived on ...

15 years ago
Re: The Incredible Edible Egg

How do you know if they are healthy? Do they go to the vet? Don't laugh at me....I don't know a thing about chickens, even though I grew up in the c...

15 years ago
Re: flying with dogs

Yes Theresa. Looking forward to meeting you. Good luck with the doggies.

15 years ago
Re: Where's the best area to hit for a restaurant job?

Which island? St. Thomas - Red Hook St. Croix - Downtown Christiansted Other good areas, but you asked for the best.

15 years ago
Re: Cotton Valley Night Critter Sound

We didn't say Padiddle. We said Popeye, and I truly don't remember who did what to whom, or why!

15 years ago
Re: HGTV on St. Croix

Amazing what good actors they all seem to be! I thought Honnies' cameo was a bit lame, but Ness' reaction was adorable. Doug and Lindy certainly see...

15 years ago
Re: HGTV on St. Croix

I'm sure it's just the logistics of putting the show together. Most people take weeks or months, or longer, to find a home. Obviously the film/produ...

15 years ago
Re: V.I. Care halloween party

Hmmmm...we'll rethink this.

15 years ago
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