Famed Member
Joined: August 21, 2006 1:42 am
Topics: 207 / Replies: 2903
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Does anyone know when IHOP on STX is opening? I saw lights and people in there a couple of nights ago. It looked like a training class.

15 years ago
Re: Disrespect or laziness?

Neil, It wasn't Marty's quote of a public law, It was a copy of the law as writtren. Does the word "or" mean anything to you!:-X Sorry Liz...

15 years ago
Re: Oasis of the Seas

I seem to remember a couple of years ago there was, in fact, a report on this subject "proving" that hotel guests spend more per day. I think it was ...

15 years ago
Re: Happy Thanksgiving to All!

EE, Turkey is EASY...wash it, salt and pepper it, smear with butter and put it in a pan, topped with foil. Now, rolls, on the other hand.....You ...

15 years ago
Re: Locals only

I agree too. Well said, Neil.

15 years ago
Re: Public Vendors license...............

I'm not talking about fair competition. The cruise ships have clout.

15 years ago
Re: Public Vendors license...............

Just a thought...even if you get the license and get set up, etc., the cruise ships take pictures of passengers every time they embark and disembark. ...

15 years ago
Re: pueblo prices

Wow! Big difference. That's why I was wondering if it was a mistake. Not that FT is shy about charging high prices, but that just seems really over ...

15 years ago
Re: Are there black panthers on STX?

It's funny. I never even thought of the political militants. Perhaps THAT is what my prospective newbie had been told about. He truly thought he wa...

15 years ago
Re: pueblo prices

Tam, What's the normal price for the formula? Just curious. I love the staff at Food Town. After almost 3 years, the deli staff have started to...

15 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 3374
Re: Locals only

My father is Cherokee, so I can address the "American Indian" thing. It is ALWAYS more polite to use the name of the nation (not tribe--that's another...

15 years ago
Re: animal abuse....cant handle this

Hubby had a similar encounter. Woman had a small, young dog following her (can't imagine WHY), and my husband pointed out to her gently and politely ...

15 years ago
Re: Open letter to Residents of the USVI

"Do you really think they'll apply for & pay for a permit? I sure don't. " Yes, I do...and, 'why' you might ask? Because it's much cheaper to buy a ...

15 years ago
Re: Thanksgiving Grocery Prices

Yes, thanks Tippi. This is a big help to us on island, and I'm sure it's enlightening to those considering the move.

15 years ago
Re: Shopping for beds and couches on STX

Hey! Floor model TV stands. I would love to have a few of those kinda retro rolling cart kind, like the "original" tv stands. Although, now tha...

15 years ago
Re: Moving to Christiansted, St Croix. 50 days!

They have them listed in the Avis and thats all. It's 600 a month with everything included Now I understand oceanblue18's post on the classified ...

15 years ago
Re: Shopping for beds and couches on STX

OK, now I'm confused...aren't YOU opening a used furniture store?*-) I assume you could put some furniture for yoursef on the first shipment, rig...

15 years ago
Re: Help me help her!!

Hi Jessica, Have you asked your landlord? If he/she has mutiple rentals, there is a good chance they may have some of what you are seeking. Good l...

15 years ago
Re: Christmas Trees STX?

I happen to love a Charie Brown Christmas tree, so for a couple of years, I had a Norfolk Island Pine that I just moved indoors on Thanksgiving Day an...

15 years ago
Re: Car Wash on STT

Prefer2sail, Since you referred to your car as your baby, I will add....the car wash at Four Winds uses those "washer thingies" that scratch your pa...

15 years ago
Re: Open letter to Residents of the USVI

Here I was all excited to see this thread had made it to page 2. Thinking...now I can keep up with it, without all that scrolling past the original p...

15 years ago
Re: What's up with this?

I think sometimes people looking for a slower pace don't really understand where they are moving. I have had people ask if we get regular mail, where...

15 years ago
Re: Peters Rest info

Oops...I just noticed it said Peter Rest.....I sent you a PM about Peter's Farm. Ignore it please! Peter's Rest is a very convenient area to mos...

15 years ago
Re: Grocery Survey October

Plaza Extra, Sion Farm is next door to Cost-U-Less, in the United Shopping Plaza. Plaza Extra West is out toward F'sted on Centerline (route 70). Th...

15 years ago
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