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Joined: August 21, 2006 1:42 am
Topics: 207 / Replies: 2903
Re: Oasis of the Seas

You ask why??? O' vay... Before I start something, I am not Jewish. My husband is, but he only tells me what he wants me to know. LOL Any...

15 years ago
Re: Oasis of the Seas

Anyone know the actual definition of "schmuck"? :@)

15 years ago
Re: taking car between STT & STX for a week

Hi Pamela, New job?? I don't think there is a fee, per se, just the usual " I gotta get mine"....but seems to me if you will be a regular on STX...

15 years ago
Re: Appliance Repair STX

trixie, Thanks for this post. I'm fine right now, but am racking up names and numbers for the future. I have only had commercial washer/dryer i...

15 years ago
Re: passport card

Not even funny. The captain of the boat, on which you attempt your scam, is the one who will wind up in jail or fined. Of course, if (s)he is stupid...

15 years ago
Re: taking car between STT & STX for a week

Hey Linda, You can put a car on Norma H, but it only runs once a week. 2 years ago, it was $280 one way, plus you have to go to the Lt. Gov. Office...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

So it's an IHOP, do you really expect it to be any better than a mc pancake? Better? I don't know. Different? Most definitely!! LOL...I w...

15 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1858
Re: Mosquito net wanted

I got one at Gallows Bay Hardware last year. It was pricey. It was in the Garden Center, not the hardware store.

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Does that mean it WAS open yesterday?

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

I was in Sunny Isle yesterday morning, and the IHOP did not appear open. Maybe it opened for lunch or dinner?

15 years ago
Re: Online shopping: Who will ship to the VI (without costing an arm and a leg)

aquaponics, Try QVC. They have several to choose from and reasonable shipping. If they don't have the one you want, try HSN. I shop both all the ...

15 years ago
Re: craft/fabric stores

No way! Our litte DiviDivi doesn't hold a candle to the fabric store on Goat St.

15 years ago
Re: STX Dermatologist

There is at Beeston Hill Medical Center. Can't come up with the name, but there is a sign out front.

15 years ago
Re: craft/fabric stores

Hi Theresa, DiviDivi is on Company St. That's the one way going east to west as you are going through C'sted. There is a craft/art supply store in...

15 years ago
Re: Taxi Driver for STT

$75 from the airport to Yacht Haven?:-o What is it....maybe 2 miles???

15 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2033
Re: Managed Freight "permanently closed"?!

I just received the following email. Good Morning, Chamber Members: Sad to share this with you and wish good fortune to Lee. Best Re...

15 years ago
Re: Oasis of the Seas

Just a reminder. I just picked numbers out of the air, just to illustrate what I was saying. I don't KNOW the actual numbers. It could be 4 passeng...

15 years ago
Re: Night Swimming - STX

Anybody remember the opening scene in Jaws?:-o After seeing that I can't get into the ocean after dark! OMG! I started reading the book, got jus...

15 years ago
Re: Disrespect or laziness?

Oh, I agree. I certainly don't embrace or respect many of the things that get shoved under the heading of "cultural", but those are things (like dog ...

15 years ago
Re: Oasis of the Seas

Yes, Terry, the cruise ship passenger will divide his money between islands, but don't forget, when he leaves here, he is replaced by a new guy, who w...

15 years ago
Re: Disrespect or laziness?

I'll take a stab. Why is it offensive? Because people of a certain age have been taught that morals are desirable. Those people have also been taug...

15 years ago
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