Famed Member
Joined: August 21, 2006 1:42 am
Topics: 207 / Replies: 2903
Re: Ferries

i did not know that there was even a way to get back and forth to Vieques by ferry. i would like to know the way. You can't, really. Every so ...

15 years ago
Re: Getting a Dog from the States to St. John

One option is Continental Pet Cargo. They can get you to San Juan. Then, from San Juan, you can try Seaborne or a charter flight. (just google them...

15 years ago
Re: Ready to go! Now I just need a job.

Good point about the ID. Social Security card is a must here for almost anything "official". If you have lost yours, go ahead and apply for a new on...

15 years ago
Re: Ready to go! Now I just need a job.

Hi Dan, and welcome to the forum. Three days isn't really much of a PMV, so be sure to read as much as you can on this forum. Lots of good info ...

15 years ago
Re: Question for all u 25 to 50 yr old EXPATS

I'm a little older than 50, but I'll answer anyway.:-) We moved down 15 years ago via our sailboat and lived aboard for 10 years and then bought ...

15 years ago
Re: moving a beloved dog

Sandy, Are you coming from the US? Why does your dog have to clear customs? I've never heard of that, but then I don't travel much with animals. ...

15 years ago
Re: moving a beloved dog

If you can get the dog to St. Thomas, you can take the ferry to St. Croix. Not always a pleasant ride, not always reliable, but an option. You o...

15 years ago
Re: Living in St. Thomas

Steph, I don't believe you can find anything in the $500 range, certainly not in Red Hook, unless you enter into a roommate situation. I would p...

15 years ago
Re: tick fever

I'm so sorry, Tammy.

15 years ago
Re: Dentist on STX

Hi Kim, I use Dr. Buska, who works with Dr. Kenses, so same number as above. I really like him. However, if you can't get into him, Dr. van Heckma...

15 years ago
Re: handicapped accessibility

On St. Croix, there is an apartment complex behind Sunny Isle Shopping Center. It is two story, but I do believe it is for the elderly, so I'm sure i...

15 years ago
Re: Innovative Cable Out?

I don't have cable, but my Innovative phone is out. We have been having issues in our area for a while (mid-island, Estate St. John), so we reported ...

15 years ago
Re: New Gannett Hardware Store

I was in Schooner Bay a couple of weeks ago, and I even posted about how pleased I was with the changes. I went in yesterday and was not all that ple...

15 years ago
Re: Twitter

I hear you, Linda J. Glad it's not just me!:D

15 years ago
Re: house trailer

Every once in a while we see one tucked in somewhere on STX. They are older, usually with add-ons attached and look like they have been there for man...

15 years ago
Re: accepted ?

A year is just a "visit". 🙂

15 years ago
Re: STT airport parking

I think there is a maximum they can charge you, if you lost, or CLAIM you lost, your ticket. Maybe they are just trying to make sure he/she doesn't ...

15 years ago
Re: WAPA Rate for May

Ours was at .645 per kilowatt hour. Juanita, how did yours come to that rate? I just took the amount of the bill and divided by the number o...

15 years ago
Re: Online shopping: Who will ship to the VI (without costing an arm and a leg)

Tippi and others, I received the mounting bracket today. It was sent USPS Priority. Remember, shipping cost was about $9.00. I can't find a po...

15 years ago
Re: Did anyone buy a Digital Labs TV/DVD combo?

Thanks so much. Sky, yes we tried that. We talked to the manager of Kmart today (BTW, his name is Michael, and he is a keeper!), He is looking for ...

15 years ago
Re: WAPA Rate for May

My last bill was dated May 12, so don't know if that's "May" enough for you. I get 17 WAPA bills. They ranged from .35 to .37, depending on usage, w...

15 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 7641
Re: decent jeep mechanic on stx

Hi Joey, We take my Jeep to Jeff and Terry in Orange Grove, across from the courthouse. It hasn't needed anything too major, but they have alway...

15 years ago
Re: Place to buy scrubs on STX?

speee1dy, You are correct on both counts.

15 years ago
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