Famed Member
Joined: August 21, 2006 1:42 am
Topics: 207 / Replies: 2903
Re: Moving to St. Croix

Hi Abbigail, Welcome to the forum and St. Croix! I have a small apartment coming up the first of September. It's really cute and clean, safe, e...

15 years ago
Re: Business Loans

Try the commercial loan department at FirstBank on St. Thomas. Sorry, no phone number handy, but here ya go..

15 years ago
Re: IPHONE question

I have hotmail. I checked the junk folder and even deleted (just in case) and it wasn't in either folder. It's just odd because it's the ONLY ONE. ...

15 years ago
Re: Looking to move and have questions!

Even landlords that do accept dogs will have a problem with 3. Are they large or small? You might want to come down first, without the dogs. Rent a...

15 years ago
Re: Looking to move and have questions!

Just noticed a post on the classified from someone who was really ready to move down and assimilate. On his way back, after just a few months. It's ...

15 years ago
Re: IPHONE question

I have another iphone question. I checked my email, via my iphone, this morning. I had several emails, but one in particular that I was interested i...

15 years ago
Re: Good Experience at the DMV

One of our neighbors was in and out in no time last week, and she even wore a sleeveless top (don't try this), with no problems. On top of that, she ...

15 years ago
Re: Moving to STX

Queen's Quarter isn't a complex. It's a subdivision of individually owned homes. Many have apartments in them, but you would need to locate them on ...

15 years ago
Re: Moving to STX

Actually Peppertree is about the only apartment near (walking) to the hospital. There is a small condo not far and some of the houses in Queen's Quar...

15 years ago
Re: Pet Sitting

Iris, Geese and goats? LMAO! Would love to have a pet goat, but a goose???? I don't think so. Don't they bite? I grew up with a lot of wild ...

15 years ago
Re: STX car question.

Strange question. Every car is driven here, as anywhere else. Toyotal trucks lead the market, just like they do in Topeka, followed by the usual asso...

15 years ago
Re: Anyone know what time Cost-U-Less opens....

Thanks. That's what I thought. I was hoping earlier.

15 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1106
Re: I HOP Resturant

Have any of you had personal experience with firing someone and then being "taken to the labor board", or 2nd hand knowledge of such an occurence? I'...

15 years ago
Re: Driving while ______ laws

I'm not a fan of drinking and driving, but I do sometimes have a drink as the passenger. I particularly appreciate that if you go out to eat and do...

15 years ago
Re: passengers in bed of pick up truck

We rode in the back of trucks, open Jeeps with no tops, doors or seatbelts and my personal fav...sitting on the tailgate of my mother's station wagon,...

15 years ago
Re: property tax should I pay?

I think tax accessments seldom reflect the actual value of the property.

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

After Cory's post, it got me to thinking out loud about why we haven't been to Case Place in so long. It was always one of our favorite lunch spots, ...

15 years ago
Re: property tax should I pay?

We did have a tax re-evaluation on STX too. I think it was territory wide. A whole new branch of the tax office was created, hiring a bunch of peopl...

15 years ago
Re: property tax should I pay?

I assume there WILL be forgiveness to some degree. Think about it....06-07-08-09-10, all due, plus adding on 11,12....etc., and here on STX, at least...

15 years ago
Re: Seeking B2B Sales in St. Thomas

Hi Dane, What is B2B? Remember, some of us are old...LOL!

15 years ago
Re: Well...

The way I see it is Tourism is doing their job. What would everyone say if they sat back, business as usual, and did nothing to alleviate what could ...

15 years ago
Re: Rainbow Beach

Let's stop feeling sorry for people who are just plain careless. Cold! The very fact that a person is a tourist on our islands means they don't ...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

That's strange that Lori's chicken would be "just ok" because she was known for it when she was at the location where Good Spirits is now. I t...

15 years ago
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