Famed Member
Joined: August 21, 2006 1:42 am
Topics: 207 / Replies: 2903
Re: Cost U Less - produce dept. change NOT good

I've bought the large bag of asparagus twice, and surprisingly, it stayed fresh long enough for us to use it all both times. $7.99 is a good price fo...

14 years ago
Re: I get by with a little help from my friends...

Juanita -- I bet the astronauts use more than a pint of water to bathe. 🙂 LOL, that was just for my hair. Whole body...at least a quart.!:@)

14 years ago
Re: I get by with a little help from my friends...

This thread is reminding me of living on a boat. We carried 120 gallons of fresh water, and we would go for 6 weeks between fills. We did not collec...

14 years ago
Re: Prediction Game

Blackbeard is brewed and bottled in Minnesota. That's why I said "kinda".:-)

14 years ago
Re: I get by with a little help from my friends...

How much is that per gallon? Is it WAPA or some rate your landlord has decided? That's extreme, by most reasonably standards.

14 years ago
Re: Prediction Game

I didn't play, but I would have thought Blackbeard's Ale would have gotten a couple of mentions since it is the Virgin Islands beer (kinda).

14 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Anyone know the name of the place at the carwash that used to be Cohiba's? We just left there, and have mixed review. The menu is on a small chalk b...

14 years ago
Re: My husband passed on tonight

I am so sorry, Pamela. He was very fortunate to have you. Take care of yourself, and let us know if we can do anything for you.

14 years ago
Re: Thinking about moving.

There are 7 threads directly related to the current weather conditons. I'm interested in what everyone has to say, so I am reading them all, but real...

14 years ago
Re: for the dog owners - STX

Cost-U-Less usually has nice, large, overstuffed ones for $30.00. They have smaller, too, but I haven't priced them.

14 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 842
Re: Craigslist Rentals Just Get Better and Better

I would say between 75% - 85% easily. I would say even more than that. I would venture a guess closer to 99%, except when there is some event, l...

14 years ago
Re: Craigslist Rentals Just Get Better and Better

Then, of course, there are the responses to the ads that are scams. They don't ask any questions about the apartment, what's included, where it's loc...

14 years ago
Re: Vertical Blinds - STX

I thought they were outlawed in the 80's by the fashion police. 😉 Actually there are a newish kind that work much better. They are more like large ...

14 years ago
Re: Craigslist Rentals Just Get Better and Better

Lola, I almost posted about that myself. I saw that one and another that was so sleek and modern, it looked like a NY penthouse, AND it had a radiato...

14 years ago
Re: STX $2.50 taxi bus

Juanita: VITran runs the little "short bus" up the Northside Rd. The taxi bus doesn't run there. Thanks. I do see the little bus occasionally. ...

14 years ago
Re: Black Jack Dealer Needed

One of the most enjoyable things we did when we lived on St. Thomas! For newbies it a great way to meet people, and get involved in the community, wh...

14 years ago
Re: Vertical Blinds - STX

Caribe Do It Center, near Sunny Isle, has a few. Not too much to choose from.

14 years ago
Re: Bartender Job

A lot of people will get hired earlier than Feb., but some (many) won't last the season, for one reason or another, so there is usually a second hirin...

14 years ago
Re: STX $2.50 taxi bus

I'm interested, too. We sometimes have tenants without cars, and I'd like to be able to give them some good info on getting around, but I don't know ...

14 years ago
Re: Casita Apts. St. Croix-Availability

Move in today, and enjoy a full month FREE in a spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath, fully furnished and turn-key ready apartment. Please visit our website fo...

14 years ago
Re: beach body workouts

Hi terryd, I'm almost certain Beeston Hill does offer this "type" of class. The person who answers the phone just might not be familiar with th...

14 years ago
Re: I just added my residency date to my signature.

Not at all, Neil. Like I said...I just thought it was cool. Even on this forum, when we registered is listed. That certainly doesn't imply that my ...

14 years ago
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