Last seen: June 29, 2022 5:24 pm
You can't go 1 day without polluting a thread with some political BS You are a very, very miserable person
Batteries, flashlights/lanterns, generators, fuel, rice & beans, bleach, drinking water, chainsaw, Little things like a deck of cards make and a ...
Well if Alana says there's nothing there, I'm guessing it's a big deal
What color is the sky in your world?
This is getting sad...
I guess if you are the one determining what ideas should be tolerated, then the theory works. Otherwise you are the embodiment for what you...
Its funny that you present a link that directly refutes her argument and she doubles down I dont care what he said, this is what I feeeeeeeels LO...
I wouldn't trust the judgement of someone flying the flag of a treasonous losing army who fought to keep system of chattel slavery alive. Yet you...
i just never noticed it. wish i didnt notice it now. my cousin even said that anyone who supports trump is a racist. my other cousin said only re...
Julian Jackson has/had a boxing gym in STT. Might check under 340 boxing
My worldview where white supremacists and Nazis are not part of the world? Lol sure. Ill live with that worldview. The snowflakes are the whiny babies...
Shocking that Alana would find something to drink to Sparty - glad that you support free speech. Being a pussy and looking for others to inflict...
Mr U would be my dad I'm glad you are concerned about John Paulson raping Blackstone for properties in PR. Unfortunately you are to economic...
Private land that was owned by locals who fled as well. So what other option is there, have the land forfeited to the Gov? LOL
you do enough for the board
They're buying private property (afaik) vs gov owned. One rich hedge fund selling to another rates a meh...
Still a lot of risk with buying the land - Zoning/taxes/etc.
Yeah it's the rich white vultures fault. The school stuff is the same ol same ol. Was that way 20+ years ago and it's the same today. Shocking w...
Goodwin's law...
Its amazing how people will accept a source unquestioningly when they agree with what they write. And howl that sources they don't agree with are bias...
So let me be clear - I don't have any idea what you mean by "leftist" or "brownshirt" or "liberal" or "straw man." Since others jump on the band wagon...
When people regurgitate rhetoric and codified language set forth by hate mongers of any political persuasion they prove themselves to be susceptible t...
"Once understood how necessary it is for propaganda in be adjusted to the broad mass, the following rule results: It is a mistake to make propaga...
You think Trump is unstable? Do you actually believe everything you wrote in your post? Unfortunately, she does
Too bad the USSC disagrees, see Nazi/Skokie, WBC, etc While many/most of these groups are repugnant it's a real slippery slope to start infringin...