I had not noticed the date on the original post ... disregard.
I've used this company before: and they're worth a call, even if you just want to know a rough cost. Part of their service is telling you the cost up...
So he's not a fascist by the technical definition, but he's still a horrible human being.
We can't discuss classical renditions of 80s songs without mentioning Sergio the Sax Man Serg is legit. Cracks me up.
No kidding ... it drives me nuts that there are people who don't accept this.
Have a good lease and take pictures because at some point or other, you'll probably end up in small claims court. I've had both good and bad tenants....
I'm curious about this too. I'm sure, like anywhere else, there's good and bad, but if anyone has any specific info or experiences to share, I'd like ...
Oh, the excitement of taking the leap ... makes me giddy just thinking about it.