James T
Eminent Member
Joined: November 22, 2014 12:56 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 46
Re: Our car stolen from mechanic

I'm asking, I've never shipped a car. Last research I did on shipping was 5 years ago. I think I paid 5k or a little over for my 97 if I recall c...

8 years ago
Re: Our car stolen from mechanic

For those who shipped a car from FL is $1500 about right? What's the road tax and stuff usually add up to for an older car? Asssuming $500-ish? And th...

8 years ago
Re: Our car stolen from mechanic

Uhhh that was directed at gators comment as she's not in the VI and hasn't been for some time. Reread my comment, clearly said gators so not sure why ...

8 years ago
Re: Our car stolen from mechanic

Sausage was just defending himself. It was the OP that was being rude. Anyhow, WOW, only in the island would something like this happen. Since ...

8 years ago
Re: back on Craigslist

Wow OT. You really are an advocate for the slime bag employers and the antagonists on this forum. Highlander didn't get nasty until he was attacked by...

9 years ago
Re: back on Craigslist

"JD's problems were way greater than his poor experience with his employer here" Is that your professional opinion doctor? You are correct i...

9 years ago
Re: back on Craigslist

No idea why you're arguing. The same person posted here as posted on craigslist. Same person, same initials, same company, same rants. Had you read...

9 years ago
Re: back on Craigslist

"JD's problems were way greater than his poor experience with his employer here" Is that your professional opinion doctor? It's my opinion b...

9 years ago
Re: back on Craigslist

And we don't have a message board where people have to start threads regarding the lousy unreliable electric, cable, internet and cell phone service t...

9 years ago
Re: Unemployment in VI

S I T C is exactly what you can expect from employers there in the VI.

9 years ago
9 years ago
Re: Job search

Message Remove.

9 years ago
Re: Anyone know of open bartending jobs? or have tips

Agreed. Stay away from Underwater Safaris if you need an instructor job. They treat employees badly. Rob and Kim will lie to prevent an injury claim e...

10 years ago
Re: Worker's Compensation

Rob Osmun and his wife Kim are running the show at Underwater Safaris for the owner Sean. Rob used to own auto repair shops in the states. Professiona...

10 years ago
Re: Gun permit/ concealed?

Jim, I'm just wondering if that target was in the shape of a foot.

10 years ago
Re: My first run in with VIPD

The cops job is to give the summons not an attitude. Getting stopped is bad enough you don't need your nose rubbed in it. File a complaint against the...

10 years ago
Re: Shipping Household Items vs. Buying in STT

All the items you mentioned are priced comparable to what you see in the states. So how much would you spend on additional baggage fees lugging all ...

10 years ago
Re: Make your own A/C unit in 10 minutes for under $10!!!

Dear klpmtm, both posts sound like what started it in the first place. What exactly gives you the right to speak out like that anyway? We're not kinde...

10 years ago
Re: Make your own A/C unit in 10 minutes for under $10!!!

Would any of you like to guess what you have in common?

10 years ago
Re: Make your own A/C unit in 10 minutes for under $10!!!

Hey listen. I was married to two physically and mentally abusive women and there was always a "female" excuse for their behavior and I refuse to put u...

10 years ago
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