Isle Tell Ya
Estimable Member
Joined: October 15, 2012 10:00 am
Topics: 8 / Replies: 98
Re: twinkies

Plaza Extra has them

12 years ago
Re: Favorite Restaurant on St. Thomas

China King in Havensight has fantastic sushi at very reasonable prices. No worries about seating (like Enkai), comfortable A/C, and a full service Ch...

12 years ago
Re: Food Stamps

Most people for at least the past 30 years pay for college with student loans.

12 years ago
Re: Food Stamps

oldtart, i am sorry that you have been bullied on here. I am also sorry for what you are going through. Every now and then we all might need some he...

12 years ago
Re: December 21, 2012

Sorry to all the Doomsday Preppers out there - some historians recently found notes from a Mayan Calendar 7000 years in the future. Oh well!

12 years ago
Re: Food Stamps

My apologies Roto - no idea what happened there.

12 years ago
Re: Food Stamps

"In the past 10 years alone, Americans have given Israel the equivalent of approximately $200,000 per Israeli family of five. In addition, there have ...

12 years ago
Re: Food Stamps

Rotorhead - it seems your parents failed to remind you that the cornerstone of Catholicism is charity and taking care of one another. "He who dies wit...

12 years ago
Replies: 36
Views: 5132
Re: Another LEAC Increase Coming

The way things are headed, every single business that can go solar will, and when the LEAC crosses the "red line", individual homeowner's will go sola...

12 years ago
Re: Food Stamps

All other issues aside, let's remember one of the "real" reasons why Congress of yore began implementing welfare programs (hint - it's wasn't out of p...

12 years ago
Re: Seeking tenant landlord laws in the VI

Pay the rent you agreed to pay.

12 years ago
Re: Food Stamps

A few comments: 1) The people who sell fruit on the side of the road don't pay taxes on their income, nor do they purchase business licenses. You...

12 years ago
Re: Innovative Problems......Channel Garbage

It Is not just you, but I don't think it's Innovative. I have the same problems with these channels with the Dish. I believe it is a VI and PR feed is...

12 years ago
Re: Robbed last night

Old tart - You act like you are all high and mighty and you put ppl down for there comments - you have done everything to be unwelcoming to me on here...

12 years ago
Re: Robbed last night

@Taco Hell - for someone who wants it known you have nothing to do with the parking situation, you sure are "owning" this event with your rant. Do you...

12 years ago
Re: Robbed last night

Park in a legal spot, don't get booted. What am I missing here?

12 years ago
Re: Please Post Community Information

Also - the VI Daily News is available online for free each day (for the day before's) paper.

12 years ago
Re: Seeking tenant landlord laws in the VI

The LL can seek unpaid rent - that is where it's different OT.

12 years ago
Re: Seeking tenant landlord laws in the VI

I disagree. If the LL gave the tenant notice to vacate on a term lease, the LL cannot now go after the tenant for the monies remaining on the lease s...

12 years ago
Re: Seeking tenant landlord laws in the VI

Lots of fairly inaccurate legal advice by Old Tart and Alana33. Old Tart - VI law is actually quite simple and clear in L/T matters. Jarrod - if ...

12 years ago

If more and more people begin shopping online, prices in the VI stores will begin to drop. Basic economics. Everybody needs to start doing it!!!

12 years ago
Re: Judiths Fancy

I get it. I am someone who has personally been victimized by my family background. It is troublesome to even talk about folks being victims of racism ...

12 years ago
Re: Judiths Fancy

"Public" vs. "Private" property is not a race issue, no matter how much anyone tries to make it a race issue. Show an ID, respect the law and the inhe...

12 years ago
Re: Interesting link from Greg Miller

The discussion seems to have taken an unecessary turn. I would expect, if not demand, that my elected leaders, responsible for, among other thing...

12 years ago
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