Island Paul
Reputable Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Topics: 39 / Replies: 445
Re: Hey all!

Heartiest congratulations and warmest hugs to that beautiful little lady, mom and dad. Hope to hook up in Food Center one day soon. You know to call...

20 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 998
Re: NO drivers license test UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

Well, there you go: case closed. Take care of other island business and don't even think about visiting our DMV at this time. Who knows where you mi...

20 years ago
Re: NO drivers license test UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

I would suggest waiting - why? You have other priorities that are probably more important overall to the happiness of your life on the island. For ...

20 years ago
Re: Island Paul ? Other 'Regulars'?

Oooops, believe it or not - this is the truth. A friend of over 40 years is coming to visit for a week starting on, you guessed it, Sat the 21st, so ...

20 years ago
Re: Island Paul ? Other 'Regulars'?

Never been to such a beach - would consider it - body not to happy about bend over to pick stuff up, but I could perhaps contribute in some other way!

20 years ago
Re: NO drivers license test UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

Trying yet again - will call Monday AM 4/16 to see if a rumor of the computer being DOWN AGAIN, is true. Ugh! Had hoped this would be the magic acco...

20 years ago
Re: Can anyone recommend a seamstress on STT?

I do not know how much work from outside her family she accepts, but my landlady is an excellent seamstress. Perhaps if you could send me an e-mail ...

20 years ago
Re: I need a used car

There are several MUST SELL used cars posted on the message board at the East End Secretarial Service in Red Hook. Across from Duffy's love Shack, 2n...

20 years ago
Re: Anyone need anything brought down?

I had hoped for Krispy Kremes but alas, I guess by the time you make it to STT, they will indeed be Krispy! Have a great trip, and thanks for the...

20 years ago
Re: television stations

Ah yes - THOSE, IMPORTANT shows!?

20 years ago
Re: television stations

Yes you'll be able to watch American Idol!!!!!

20 years ago
Roger Allen Russell

Bonnies by the Sea was voted Best Sea Food in the Virgin Islands for 2nd year in a row. Roger, for those of you that have not heard him, is a Jim...

20 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1098
Re: Brandon In St. Thomas

Welcome to the island - I think you and I exchanged e-mails way back when you were planning the move? Glad you're doing well. Way to go!

20 years ago
Re: NO drivers license test UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

Pretty funny Teresa but I've felt the same tension with respect to getting my license...........better put on a happy face or something! Was told...

20 years ago
Re: relocating from chicago

Chicago born and most of my professional life. In 1994 moved to LA and learned that trees and grass and sunshine, pretty much everyday, were a necess...

20 years ago
Re: NO drivers license test UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

The machine?????????? Do you mean da comuta? Is it really really working???? Oh do tell, I guess I'll have to take my own advice and call on Mond...

20 years ago
Any Time of Year

Depends most I would think on when you would NOT want to be in Denver? Like winter, perhpas, unless you are an avid snow skier, or? If you were to ...

20 years ago
Re: VItraders Updated ~ Reader Reviews Please

Continually scoring a 10 folks! The best...we all appreciate it.

20 years ago
Re: NO drivers license test UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

Yes, even if you still have a current license you need to pay for the visit to the doctors office....cost me $70, partly because I did not know my blo...

20 years ago
Re: NO drivers license test UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

Here on STT, Blazing Photos will happily snap your photo and hand you two id sized copies for $10. If I'm not mistaken, you also need to bring yo...

20 years ago
Re: Confession of Someone Moving Back to the States

Gasp, thanks for taking the time to post the most insightful post I have EVER read on this board! You have looked deep inside yourselves, around ...

20 years ago
Replies: 25
Views: 2888
Re: Another question - Pharmacies

Red Hook is getting a pharmacy from St.John that I hear has their own special "brews" ???

20 years ago
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