Island Paul
Reputable Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Topics: 39 / Replies: 445
Re: Odd apartment question

You would. I doubt anything untoward will crawl on you at night. I might get a mosquito netting because of the mosquitos and no-seeums - sometime, n...

20 years ago
Re: Drivers License at last - persistence pays off!!!!

Thanks East Ender. I had no choice in the matter of the road test for a couple of reasons. 1. I had gone to DMV several days BEFORE my stateside...

20 years ago
Re: Small Business Question - the "invisible wall”

I would add that I recently saw a lengthy interview with a businessman on STX that was leaving after trying for many months to open/run a hotel. He ...

20 years ago
Re: Hospital experiences???

I recently spent about 5 hours in ER, so I'm not sure if my positive comments about staff that I encountered during that time would mean too much, but...

20 years ago
Re: Red Hook Parking

School has been doing a good business. The "new" lot seems to really have faded in terms of parkees!

20 years ago
Re: Red Hook Parking

Not sure I get the point here??????????? Issue is NOT about the taxi service but rather about positive development for Red Hook. Doing somet...

20 years ago
Re: Red Hook Parking

Well, I'm not sure where they/you got such information, and I'm here to tell you that I haven't seen 100 vehicles parked in this new "lot" that took a...

20 years ago
Re: To all.. Are you all happy and liking living on STT?

Alix's reply is the only advice I too would give. There was a most recent post giving reasons why a person was leaving. It was the best writt...

20 years ago
Re: To Ronnie and Donald Trump

Better watch out there Ronnie - pretty soon you'll be as old as ME!!! Now there's a scary thought. Happy Birthday my friend, and many many many ma...

20 years ago
Re: do i really need a car???

Coming from Cali? Not have a car? Depends on where you live, where you want to shop, eat, pretty sure that you will feel a lot better about the isl...

20 years ago
Re: For all you coffee lovers on STT...

YES to a Barnes and Noble with a Starbucks!!!!! I love sitting in the overstuffed chair reading fancy books that I probably won't buy, sipping a cup...

20 years ago
Re: Local markets - any organic?

Marina market has some of the freshest meat and was voted Best Meat Dept on the Island by VI Daily News readers poll. Marina market actually has ...

20 years ago
Re: Marty - It's National Doughnut Day!

Every time I visited Krispy Kreme when the light was flashing indicating hot doughnust inside, they would always hand out free ones as you waited in l...

20 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1195
Re: We want to retire on an island!

StThomas has a great deal to offer in exactly the areas you're looking, plus offers "advantages" (don't mean to stir up an island war here, so please ...

20 years ago
Re: moving to st. thomas from stateside

Come on down.......lots of cool folks waiting to meet you. What are your interests? What kind of work? Planning to stay here long?

20 years ago
Re: Dolphins?

I wish this were the true land of Flipper and that he/she resided right off the beach where I live. Unfortunately that is not the case. There ar...

20 years ago
Re: Swimming pool on STT?

Yes, sadly, I have learned that is the TRUTH, all too well. Island BS time rather than complete the damn thing already! Just like the Red Hook ferr...

20 years ago

May be Marty, but the IMMEDIATE ISSUE is to do something pro-active about crime happening RIGHT NOW - as in CATCH THE BAD GUYS. In posting origin...

20 years ago
Re: Swimming pool on STT?

Suposed to be THIS SUMMER - 2005. there has been work taking place....not this last month however. No diving boards. I believe the low structure...

20 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 2022
Re: Swimming pool on STT?

The swimming pool outside Red Hook, next door to the armory has funding, and is promised to open by summer. The story I read in the newspaper talked...

20 years ago
Re: STT Movies ONLINE ????

Thanks - you remain THE BEST !!!!

20 years ago
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