Island Paul
Reputable Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Topics: 39 / Replies: 445
Re: A fond farewell.

STT Resident - yes, the "whyness" is ALWAYS more interesting. Sometimes I have found we never ever can get to the "whyness" of a thing, especially wh...

19 years ago
Re: A fond farewell.

Linda J, I believe you are on STX and were actually the first person that tried to rescue me from a difficult situation I was in while on STX, by sugg...

19 years ago
19 years ago
Replies: 23
Views: 1636
Re: Any ideas for some displaced friends from New Orleans?

I trust they are aware that they should check the Dept of Labor website to apply for un-enmployment compensation due to the Hurricane. Other funds too...

20 years ago
Re: car registration service

With permission I am no able to post the number for Larry Charles Services. His business card lists him as a Bussiness & Management Consultant. ...

20 years ago
Re: car registration service

e-mail returned - write to me at my e-mail address and I'll give you his number.

20 years ago
20 years ago
Re: power surges

Here's a little different take, especially with respect to the tv. My apt is about 60 feet or less up from the ocean, facing South. This means t...

20 years ago
Re: Police brutality?

Here's a follow report.

20 years ago
Re: Police brutality?

How very very sad. I believe this illustrates the powertrip that I have heard other police officer have been reported to "deomnstrate". I hope that...

20 years ago
Re: snorkeling- buy or rent?

I heartily recommend buying your own so you're not chasing a rental clock on how long you have, and since you're hoping to move here, and seem to enjo...

20 years ago
Re: vehicle registration

Yes, they are honest. So maybe what you need to do is to entrust one of US to mail the title too, and then let us get it into the hands of the guys??...

20 years ago
Re: Virgin Islands Drivers License

When I was at BMV, the head guy, Dan Olive, or something like that was taking a line full of people that HAD a current stateside drivers license. He ...

20 years ago
Re: gas prices

I heard Senator Basinger (sorry if I'm misspelling it) talking in an address on what his office is doing. One of the main issues he mentioned is to t...

20 years ago
Re: vehicle registration

Go to the East End Secretarial Service and ask them for the piece of paper with the two names of guys that will complete the registration for you. As...

20 years ago
Re: St. Thomas

You can find answers to all these questions without lumping them all together in one post, by checking extensive posts on all these subjects. Here are...

20 years ago
Re: Wall-Mart wondering ????? Any news?

Sorry I don't speak Spanish!

20 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1408
Re: gas prices

Up up up up we go........too bad nobody heeds the recommendations of the panel that spent time examining the gas prices and does anything to resolve t...

20 years ago
Re: What can a guy get buy with??

Yes I am aware of that, just didn't think that applicable in this case......without knowing of coures?? Should have noted that.

20 years ago
Re: What can a guy get buy with??

Sorry billcresenzo, you don't get a job down here while you're in the states, you need to be here to get one. Sucks, but that's the way the world wor...

20 years ago
Re: What can a guy get buy with??

Let me answer with a true life example that is continue as I type. First, let me tell you that I am talking about the island of STT or St. Thomas. W...

20 years ago
Re: Car service for Mini Cooper

Guess I'm not a car guy - used to be - but what the heck is a mini cooper ???????????? Sounds like a hot lady!!!!

20 years ago
Re: post office box

Ok - here is the straight up and low down, directly from the mouth of the man that owns the Red Hook Mail Service. You can NOT get a box until you ar...

20 years ago
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