Island Paul
Reputable Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Topics: 39 / Replies: 445
Re: Gas Prices

Marty, with a temperature this morning of 44degrees (feels like 41 reports), and no ocean anywhere in sight, I too would not worry about ...

18 years ago
Re: Gas Prices

$2.08 today in Ohio! I know, I know, that's not on either of the VI's! And on top of that our grocery store chain has a program which gives us 10 ce...

18 years ago
Re: Chicken vs. Egg

Many of us stayed at The Crystal Palace whilst we found a place to live. Ronnie who posts on this message board is a great guy and is most welcoming t...

18 years ago
Re: 26 single male Finally Moving to the island

After all your research I'm not sure that with respect to your - being single, looking for boats, deep sea fishing and good social scene for 20somethi...

19 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1475
Replies: 0
Views: 1403
Re: Priced out of St Croix, looking at Puerto Rico instead.

Costa Rica is also the choice of many Americans. Great ocean front deals available. Check into it.

19 years ago
Re: Leaving Island

I have sent you a PM and will follow up with an e-mail. Chris, as you know was among the first real "connections" I had as a human on the island (a...

19 years ago
Re: Pirates of Caribbean

LOL! Who was that pirate!? Yup, you need to have seen the first one to really understand who ALL the major characters were - even when they show up...

19 years ago
Re: Pirates of Caribbean

Not to belabor the sad fact they didn't choose the VI - but I very seriously doubt that "environmental concerns" were anywhere close to the real issue...

19 years ago
Re: Pirates of Caribbean

Should have been filmed in the USVI, STT in particular, but because the Tourism Bureau sat on their hands, not understanding the value of a major film...

19 years ago
Link to Island Traders for Rental Ads

Here is a link to the newspaper, Island Traders, where you will find Housing Ads, jobs and actually get to read the entire paper online.

19 years ago
Re: How do I find an apt????

I see that this thread is from an original post back on Sept 6, 2003, and since then the Virgin Island Daily News has added a link to the Island Trade...

19 years ago

Islander - how awesome are you? Pretty darn near fantastic, I say!!!! Along with all the other people that have been so grateful and pleased with...

19 years ago
Re: Lindquist beach

There was a post about this topic awhile ago that seemed to address the issue of why the guard is posted. I highly doubt the "cage deep in the water...

19 years ago
Re: Drivers License

Ah, which state do you reside in, and for which state are you asking about renwal by mail? I'd suggest an online search for the sate's DMV website, ...

19 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1200
Re: Red Hook developments and dock - any photos?

Property next door to my old landlord sold for $950,000 (had been asking and were supposedly firm on $975,000!), and a realtor told my landlady that h...

19 years ago
Re: Vehicle Inspections

One of the best ways to "pass" inspections with respect to legally getting the registration for LeRoy, is to pay to have one of those that offer such ...

19 years ago
Re: STT Newbies re "town"

When you first get to STT, you MUST pick up the free hand out island map that Tourists use to find their way around. Getting to most of the gener...

19 years ago
Re: PMV Guest Room Availability

With all the booking info/requests, etc, perhaps it might be a good idea to set up a website for your guest of the place, locatio...

19 years ago

Another suggestion. Check out the Island Trader Ads. Island Trader as someone just posted, yesterday I believe, can be found in th light blue co...

19 years ago
Re: Island Trader is Finally Online

Very slick - I like the program that it comes up in, which allows you to zoom and move around on the pages. Very nice. Hopefully this will be a ...

19 years ago
Re: Office max

At the STT Office Max, I found some of the friendliest and most helpful staff of any store on the island. I knew many of their names and was several ...

19 years ago
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