is available with unlimited service for $12.50 / month. The access numbers are the same ones used by folks with Earthlink Service (who ...
Do we need some Chips and Munchies, and maybe more desert items?
Folks, I understand the need to plug the leaks, fix the temps on water heaters, swimming pools.............BUT, the real issue is the raising price of...
Sarah, when you get to St.John, look for Connections - a store, and you will find a message board posted with all kinds of stuff and hopefully jobs. ...
Yes, I had done the original post as mentioned above by HipCrip......and since that post I've mentioned it again to my landlord, in the presence of an...
For what it's should soon see that those big black hungry ones are quickly least thankfully they have been f...
Kim is the ladies name and this is her e-mai address. She is stateside and sells Avon products, and will gladly get you some fast.......great prices ...
Do NOT use 100% Deet - asking for problems. Skin So Soft by Avon is absolutely the best because you're not adding something to your body that it wou...
An AC is absolutely the best idea - at least during these "summer" type months - but, and it's a huge BUT - my landlord pays for the electricity and h...
I didn't realize you'd be looking at properties. Knowing that, I'd also agree Stu, skip the somewhat simplistic tour guide stuff, rent a car and I co...
K-mart over here on St.Thomas and LOTS and LOTS of other places...most places come it's not over there since it's made there?...
Yes, that's the typical "tour", some actually venture to the East End of the island with a stop at a Picture Spot at Sapphire, where you can see the i...
When you say, "signed up for one of the STT highlight guided tours", do you mean signed up with the cruise line? Hmmmm, I'm not too sure that thi...
Hooray again for WAPA here on St.Thomas.......knock wood.........continuous power so far. Absolutely awesome spectacular WAVES!!!!!! California ...
Only what it cost them to ship - which is through UPS - Priority Mail.
Type Crime in the search box at the top of the screen...........guess I should have suggested HOW to find what I was trying to have you read.
With respect to ordering things you want shipped here - that will not ship to the Virgin Islands - the Red Hook mail service now provides you to ship ...
I do not ignore crime, nor do I feel it is a hush hush subject. The purpose of this message board is to help and I have done all I can to contribute ...
Please don't continue yet another thread about crime.....just read the previous many many posts that have addressed this issue. Main point in any dis...
on and on and on.........the same story keeps coming and coming and coming....kinda like the energizer bunny!!!! see my moving story in that sect...
Islander had long ago asked me to write a 'moving to the islands story' and I had declined, because I didn't feel that what I had done was of much int...
Ad in the newspaper all the time for dive masters - check out the newspaper online:
Hip Crip - in response to your request for a looking back evaluation, which might prove beneficial to others thinking about or planning a move to the ...