Island Paul
Reputable Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Topics: 39 / Replies: 445
Re: crime rate/where to live..

Easy to spot once you drive around a bit.

20 years ago
Re: crime rate

Rob, I would urge you to read this excellent Year In Review 2004, article that appeared in the Daily News - if you scroll down in the article - perhap...

20 years ago
Re: dollar rides in STT

The safari, or open air taxi's vs passenger vans and other 'closed' up taxis, as noted above by Islander are not all $1ride safari and it is sometimes...

20 years ago
Re: Join the Majority?

Okay, and there's the further 'rub', if you will. A couple of days prveious to this appearance Ms.Berry, responding to a question regarding the work ...

20 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 932
Re: passport type photos

Blazing Photos - Havensight. Will cost you $10. for the 2 photos.

20 years ago
Re: any movie theaters anywhere on the islands?

Spiderman opened here the day it opened stateside. Same is not true for Phantom of the Opera, and we may never get Alexander. I second the heads ...

20 years ago
Re: tot club

Seems like Sidnie provided a link to the info to answer the question what is a TOT club and if you check it out you too would know - I didn't! Si...

20 years ago
Re: Scott Beach?

Didn't know the name of the beach, nor the old "for the birds".....yes that beach on the way to Compass Point. Why not visit it for a wedding?

20 years ago
Re: do I need a PO box or what?

Yikes ! No wonder STJ is so expensive - it even includes a mailbox!!!! Heavens there must be a less expensive option over there???? That's outrage...

20 years ago
Re: Lindquist Beach

40 people on Nazareth might work since you'd have the whole beach to yourselves and its an easy walk in from the road where you'd park. It just might...

20 years ago
Re: Red Hook

Yes it's a decent place to live - have for 14 months now along with countless other folks. Best part - depends on your needs, wishes and point of vi...

20 years ago
Re: do I need a PO box or what?

Lots of info on the board from a recent post. To answer your question - YES. Depends on where you're living and what service you choose to hook up wi...

20 years ago
Re: Lindquist Beach

I don't remember the trash as a "problem" AND I would highly recommend more scenic beaches for a wedding. And if you want secluded as in no people, a...

20 years ago
Re: Computer Support

Oh you bet I have - send me an e-mail with a phone number and I'll tell you all you want to know and HOW YOU CAN HANDS DOWN have a business FOR SURE!!...

20 years ago
Re: Lindquist Beach

While it is legal to go there - it was suggested to me that I NOT travel there on my own, especially during the week. On weekends you have more famil...

20 years ago
Re: Which island??

I don't see an answer in most of these to one of the main things in the original post - namely the interest in snorkeling, diving and fishing. To...

20 years ago
Re: Mail address

Given your interest and Eric's post that he set it up before he got here: this is the phone number for Red Hook Mail Services - 340-779-1890 e-mail...

20 years ago
Re: Mail address

If we're talking St.Thomas, and wer're talking East End - yes, Red Hook Mail Service is the name of it, on the second floor, backside of the building ...

20 years ago
Re: Reality check

Before we start yet another thread on this topic, let me first say that given your description of your lifestyle, "We are not young partiers...etc.etc...

20 years ago
Re: Moving to STT

The Crystal Palace with Ronnie who posts on the message board is a good 1 week kind of place to stay while you find work and an apt.

20 years ago
Re: Red Hook Internet Cafes

Not for free and you can also hook up in the East End Secretarial Service upstairs in the same building as Grateful Deli.

20 years ago
Re: Hello Friends!

Eve, good to hear from you. Change is very hard...especially when we are a little older and are making such a drastic change. It has taken me a litt...

20 years ago
Re: VI: Year in Review

Here is a link to the spefic article East Ender referenced. It is an excellent overview of the islands......must read for those thinking of moving he...

20 years ago
Re: po box for mail delivery

Or the well run and convenient, if you live on the East End, Red Hook Mail Service. $15. per month....general delivery, which worked just fine for me ...

20 years ago
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