Prominent Member
Joined: January 5, 2009 3:26 pm
Topics: 62 / Replies: 867
Re: Live Aboard Safety & Sage Advice Welcome

STT and STX are different. People are different and have different needs and tastes. This is why individuals need to check it out for themselves and m...

8 years ago
Re: Live Aboard Safety & Sage Advice Welcome

Actually, STT population isn't twice that of STX. It's almost the same but STX is twice as large. . Never said STX was twice the populatio...

8 years ago
Re: Live Aboard Safety & Sage Advice Welcome

Population density on STT is twice that of STX. Combine that with hilly roads, increased tourist traffic, and a day job, and I believe it's going to b...

8 years ago
Re: Live Aboard Safety & Sage Advice Welcome

Yes STT does have many more options for close places to sail to, but it's tourist city in comparison to our laid back country lifestyle here on STX. ...

8 years ago
Re: Live Aboard Safety & Sage Advice Welcome

Thanks so much IslandHops for the information. Did you secure and leave the boat during storms? Preplans appear to be key. Also, did you have insuranc...

8 years ago
Re: St. Croix Elections Board Removes Hansen from Ballot

Ok, so my usual voting guidelines now go out the door. Normally, I suggest that people only vote for the candidates they really want to be electe...

8 years ago
Re: Live Aboard Safety & Sage Advice Welcome

If you are working regular jobs then being at a full-service marina is optimal. I lived aboard at Green Cay Marina for a few years. Having showers/toi...

8 years ago
Re: Cotton Valley dump complete mess

Sounds like waste mismanagement hasn't been paying their bills Because they don't have a revenue the tipping fees every other munic...

8 years ago
Re: Health Insurance woes

That is why you need catastrophic coverage only. Get insurance with $20K deductible and self insure for the rest. I'd prefer to do just tha...

8 years ago
Re: V.I. Real Estate Market Continues Subdued Recovery

It is not uncommon in recent years for the sales price to be below the assessed value. You can petition the property tax division however it is unlike...

8 years ago
Re: Cotton Valley dump complete mess

Sounds like waste mismanagement hasn't been paying their bills and the sub-contract staff at the landfill walked off the job last Wednesday, effective...

8 years ago
Re: Cotton Valley dump complete mess

Probably leaving it a mess so people will complain - that way they can justify shutting it down completely now that they can charge tipping fees. ...

8 years ago
Re: Territory's recycling laws move closer

Don't you guys think that the only real long term solution is shipping it off islands. Not sure logistics or cost but curious on it for sure. l I...

8 years ago
Re: Time it takes to sell a house on STX?

I think you are missing the easiest solution that will: 1) Alleviate the need to purchase immediately. 2) Retain your tax options. 3) Allow t...

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

(tu) ALL government workers. King Mopp would never approve subjecting his court to mandatory testing. Besides we all suspect that a certain Round...

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

A long time ago there was a ruler in an island land who called himself King Mopp. Once upon a time the commoners of this land learned that King Mopp h...

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

And on top of all that his carry on was 8 lbs over the weight limit.:D Which is why he chose Spirit Airlines. If he was flying American they woul...

8 years ago
Re: St. Croix Elections Board Removes Hansen from Ballot

if a tree falls in the forest, does anyone even care who was wielding the chainsaw? According to the law ones legal name must be used to register...

8 years ago
Re: Territory's recycling laws move closer

I'm interested to learn how this will affect the existing bottle bill law that already collects an extra tax. The money already goes to waste mis-mana...

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

And on top of all that his carry on was 8 lbs over the weight limit.:D Which is why he chose Spirit Airlines. If he was flying American they woul...

8 years ago
Re: St. Croix Elections Board Removes Hansen from Ballot

I'd never run as IslandHops, I'd have to use my real name - Slartibartfast.

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

According to the Source Article he bypassed TSA screening by flashing his credentials. He was busted after the checkpoint, in the gate area.

8 years ago
Re: The Chinese Must Really Be Coming!

If they ever get around to the street naming/numbering I hope I get #8.

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

It was all part of the Kings plan to pay off his Wapa bill.

8 years ago
Re: Another hurdle for home based businesses

Someone should start a darknet for underground business tips 😎 Or, we could just follow the lead of some of our esteemed elected officials!

9 years ago
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