Looking for a 60" beginners surfboard for a child. Have posted on classifieds a few times but thought I would ask here. If anyone knows where to get o...
For me, a few years ago we started spending four months in the winter here and, frankly, it's turned out to be a perfect mix. We spend the four worst...
The cheapest stuff (the flavoreds and the basic light and dark 2-year) runs, what?, $4.99 at Kmart for a 750ml bottle? Something like that. Iceb...
Tip: If you keep a wireless card as a backup (either Sprint or AT&T) you still have internet when the WAPA goes down. Speeds are abysmal and expe...
It's not the same as the rest of the year. I have a fleece and several lightweight jackets. You'll use 'em at night. Blanket on the bed doesn't hur...
If I am remembering correctly, didn't someone post info several months back about the Contessa, complete with photos of her and her home? Yes! ...
The local NPR station is 107.3 FM WVGN out of Charlotte Amalie. Thanks. I can just BARELY pick up the signal in downtown C'sted where I live and...
I believe Joel Holt is the Contessa's attorney, you could start there. Google is your friend for getting Joel's number. Or just ask any VI atto...
Didn't we finally get an NPR station here? Where is it? I can never seem to find it on the dial. IT
I can tell you as a single 40-something female on St. Croix that the pickings for single, desirable men in the 40-60 age range are so slim as to be no...
Have been renting here on STX for nearly a decade, I agree with the others who've said that you ought not lock yourself into anything long-term before...
When I was in Australia two years ago, I saw an M.D. on a national holiday within five minutes and had a script filled at a next-door pharmacy immedia...
Let's be honest here: the theater is just ok. For being on a small far-flung island, it's not bad. But, by stateside standards, it's a dump. The s...
Ten-year resident of STX thinks: Good Things: 1. The Caribbean Sea 2. The Caribbean Sea 3. The Caribbean Sea 4. "Good Morning", "G...
Is it just me or does the constant laughing and sexual innuendos by the hosts irritate you too? I work at home and listen to the morning talk sho...
We rent on the beach, and it's made us realize we never want to BUY on the beach! In our particular area, the waves are constantly crashing, and they ...
I am a near-decade full- and part-time resident of STX and I would not consider living here without a vehicle. ETA: This is why. Roads are poorl...
How do I get invited to her 2011 New Years eve party? Sounds like fun Show up at midnight with marijuana in a tennis shoe. A side of cocaine pro...
We're still congratulating ourselves for not shooting anyone during our NYE ... uh ... "tradition". I live in town. Gotta say: I slept throu...
Anyone see the civil lawsuit that ALSO exploded over Rohn on NYE? Talk about fireworks. PM me for a copy of the complaint. IT
I've stopped using them. About two months ago I decided to only give them my receipt to initial if they asked for it. Guess what? They never, ever ...
Musta been a good year for suing people. I thought she stopped doing the fireworks a few years back. But I don't live on the EE anymore. Better...
Ha. Sorry. Consider yourself lucky she limited it to music. She used to do fireworks. IT
Speaking of going too fast.... Tuesday I got pulled over on Midland Road (mid-isle Mon Bijou area) on St Croix for going 41 mph in a 30 mph zone....
I wonder why the USVI doesn't have it's own radar. hahaha So you've been here awhile, then? IT