In other words: Do I or do I NOT bring the bike?
Okay, I'm desperate to ask those who know. I own a Giant Avail Advanced 1. A very serious road bike. I love my bike and where I currently live have ev...
Oh no this wasn't at all about stupidity; but for a family that has a lot of truckers the open road can be soothing. To wind through the gears and get...
So I'm bringing down a Chevrolet Astro Van and it doesn't have any markings for where it is made... Help?
Merry Christams!! 🙂
Really and truly does damp rid work if you have the east wind - winds, and don't use AC? If so I'll pack a lot stateside so I can save a few hundred.....
Yes please, is there a link to the rental?
Okay - now that I am on my way... WAPA other than impolite terms names and references... Is it pronounced W. A. P. A. or Wah - pah?
Merry Christmas each one of you!! 😀
Okay - I'll have to go over sto STX for the races. 🙂 Anyone have experience on sending road bikes and yourself via ferries from STT to STX? I will...
I've done this, and I can't see any posts regarding shipping a car to STT... I've got STX and Home Depot - Bah Humbug amongst others, but no answers t...
I love you all! Thank you so much for the advice! 🙂
I can't imagine how hard the learning curve would be without all of your assistance! Thank you fir the time and thought put into my detailed questions...
Thanks everyone! I first off firmly believe in the universal language of a smile, and the ability to laugh at oneself. My "need" to learn the wor...
Oh and one last question... Really and truly how long will it take to get a good idea for what might work if I'm renting? My contact will be in terms ...
I've gone through the dictionary provided. Thanks btw. All I can say is wow! It is going to be an adventure, especially as I've had formal training to...
There are endless stories of humor, shock, and awe that point to a very decisive "Yes" people take only their bodies on vacation, not their minds. Unf...
Please dear Lord do not let this question be another log on the fire. Is it as 'bad' in the "East End" as it is elsewhere?