Still have this... Can't take it with me. Kayak anyone?
STT but I can row it over to STJ.
Someone was telling me that one of marinas down by the lagoon on STT was for sale.
You could find one of those broken down cars and take the plates? Or when the police are getting their mail. That is the souvenir I want. Or the ...
When you say pressure. You mean pay right?
Id say 2 days... Or 3.
I had a scooter down here for a bout 6 months one time. It didn't really have... brakes. But was pretty fun. You gota be slow. Learn where all... is ackleys site. all the rates down here are horrible for very slow service. what kind of big downloads are you doing? are we t...
I don't think there is any schedule at all for the Safari. They start early. They go pretty late. They go from UVI to town.. to Big K-Mart t...
Thanks all!
Tree house? sweet.
I just got my car fixed by this fellow.. Dottie? Very nice. Very quick. 340.690.5297
Marty, What is your address and where do you keep your valuables.
billd, It seems like you really really want to rent out your place. 95 a night is a bit for me though. How about 400 a month long term....