Jane... You have a DOZEN flamboyant trees? They are my absolute favorite! Should you ever feel that one of yours could use a good home where it...
Native Son, Thanks for the compliment. As sad as it makes me to say this, you described our PMV perfectly with your observation that some r...
SandCastle on the Beach ROCKS when it comes to pets. They were our home for three weeks between when we arrived on island and closed on our house, an...
shelley, The Hip Hubby and I had the opportunity to rent a house in Judith's Fancy when our house was being remodeled. (The name of the home was ...
Alexandra, that is so nice of you! We'll definitely be in touch with you about this generous offer. Your contributions to the conversations here mak...
Got a few other cistern questions for all you folks with years of experience... We've been told that you should clean your cistern (read: have it...
Jeff, What a wonderfully generous -- and much appreciated -- offer! As the number of positive responses already seem to indicate, this is a grow...
IMHO, real estate here will accrue in value over time and is a good investment. But for those looking to make the move or invest in a VI home, but pl...
I agree with stxer that Cotton Valleyis gorgeous, but gotta disagree with the opinion that it's "almost rural" -- it's definitely rural to folks who'v...
Thank you, Island Ed. Getting an estimate from a realtor will suit our curiousity needs just fine. (Feel the need to let out a big "DOH" that it nev...
As somepone who's pretty conservativewhen it comes to finances, I'd be very, very nervous about buying into any condo complex that is self-insured. ...
Hey Dante, Sent you a reply to your questions via private message. 🙂 ---HC
Bill, Thanks for the excellent suggestion! I learned of SNUBA on a trip to Hawaii shortly after my doc told me diving was out of the question, a...
Would anyone who answers Jule's questions about concrete roofs please comment of the cost difference between using concrete and sealed wood as your ro...
Jeff, Yep, individual preference is it. When I was out in my shorty suit with my hubby (also in his 2mm full wet suit), there was a couple snoke...
We've used Sam Dowdye from Mobile Locksmith several times. He's very nice, works quickly and charges reasonable prices, and generally can show up on ...
I strongly suggest that you also seek out a real estate attorney if you plan to purchase property. We learned during our 2004 move to STX through pai...
Hey Jason4, If you're willing to go through all of the effort and expense to make the big move down here, why not commit yourself to being a Virg...
I agree with East Ender, and want to add the having experience with cutting and styling hair in the African-American community stateside will make it ...
Sam, Yep, you're right. USAir now only accepts pets as checked baggage on shuttle flights in the Boston, DC, and LaGuardia markets only. ...
Thank you Paula! I've talked with another insurance agent here on STX. I was told by him that not only could the companies that provide individu...
Hi Pet People, We used USAir to get our cats here because their baggage compartments are temperature regulated, which means they can transport an...
Jeff took the words right out of my mouth. I'm very sensitive to temperature variants, so I own a "shorty" wet suit (the kind with short sleeves and l...
~Giggling and applauding~ I was one of those statesiders who came here fixated on keeping lizards out of the house -- was always poking at folks ...