njg, Yes, this happened to me once at STX. I was booked on the AA 11:20 am flight to San Juan for a medical appointment. Due to personal proble...
jane, I love nurse practioners -- they have been my first choice or care mant, many times in the past. I would adore meeting your husband in the...
A must have is the Settler's Handbook, which is for sale on this site. It wasmy bible from beginning to think about moving right on up through, well,...
Marilyn... Welcome to the board! This topic has been covered often here -- I'd like to encourage you to run a search on real estate agents, ...
Ditto the many threads comment -- a lot of which end up with at least one reminder that you'd need to develop a water collection method as cisterns ar...
Jeff, Haven't had any problems at all, before 9/11 or after. My family has had more problems with getting items from carry-on confiscated when t...
CFMDoc, I got nothing but time and don't plan on going anywhere except the bi-monthly trip to PR to see my fave doc (so far)! Soak up everything ...
Come on down, Doc! I'd love to personally introduce you to the beauty of St. Croix and its residents. As one who's had a heck of a time getting ...
Terry, A tornado over the open water is called a waterspout. They're not as uncommon as you might think -- we saw/tracked six or seven of then d...
LR, Our house sits in a little dip on the side of a hill in the Tan Tan Terrace area of Estate Sion Farm. We're situated in such a way that all ...
shelly, I am begging you to not wait until next week. Had I known that she was already limiting her activities due to heart palpitations, I woul...
Even with this being the high season, there are hotels that are less expensive than others. Try checking out the Waves at Cane Bay (which has gorgeou...
Dan, Didn't think there was an acronym around that I hadn't heard at least once, but you got me. Please translate SBDC if you'd be so kind. 🙂
cleric, Have you reported your phone problems? Innovative isn't fast about their service calls, but we have always been given a serviced by date...
Alexandra wrote: "The more mature the world becomes, the quicker it recovers from disaster. " With all due repsct, I am stunned that you ...
Amen STT Resident. The accounts and photos of STX post-Hugo are the most sobering fact about the dangers of island living that I have ever read. ...
"Near" is a relative term. Secret Harbour beach, my favorite snorkleing spot on all of STT, is about a five minute drive by car from/to Red Hook. Th...
Hey Shelly, Considering seizure activity is based in one's brain, if I were you I'd be calling Dr. Babu NOW to get an appointment ASAP, and then ...
Glad to be of service -- will keep you in my prayers that whatever is going on is easily and quickly identifiable and curable/treatable. Don't ev...
Becky... I sure wish I'd have heard these stories before our massive renovations were finished. I'd be more than happy to trade some unsightly r...
And yes, Dr. Babu is mid-island island STX near La Reine-- follow Centerline Road west past Sunny Isle until you reach La Reine (the McDonalds and gas...
SKIP THE GENERAL PRACTITIONERS AND GO DIRECTLY TO DR. BABU -- do not pass go and do not delay in calling for an appointment. Tell the receptionist th...
Folks, Timing of refunds seems to be random. We filed for our first time as VI residents in April of last year, and had heard the horror stories...
shelley, I'm so very sorry to hear about your daughter. Fortunately, this is one subjecdt I know well and can hopefully help you out. The G...
Becky R, When my brother came to visit, di what he loves to do best -- talk to the longtime residents about life in their world. He was told by ...