Hi Sandra, To which island are you and your family moving? Love the idea of getting pen pals for your boys before the move. I'm sure that y...
We worked with a combined real estate agent/mortgage broker when buying our last condo, and were able to only put 5% down without paying for PMI (prim...
Adam, Sorry to be a bummer, but I have serious doubts that there are many non-profits organizations in the USVI that offer pay of $40k per year ....
Wow, Local, do I ever feel blessed to be on STX, where we've found the greatest plumbers we've ever known. We discovered a leak from our water pump o...
Hey Parents... Whkile not a teen or a parent of a teen, there's lone activity available on STX that I used to love in high school (even though I ...
Welcome, Michael! And greetings from the small but growing population of computer and net geeks on island. 😀 One of the beautiful thimgs a...
Kathy, Please don't be discouraged! No one is trying to be negative, or to deter you from coming here. After all, we must love it here or w...
The reason that some new arrivals aren't comfortable with moving into more affordable neighborhoods is that there are realtors who do everything possi...
FIZZER, From what I've seen, a $70k salary plus OT would put you at the higher end of the income scale in the USVI. See the info atfor ideas abo...
Nope, there's only one Motor Vehkicles Bureau on STX. It's located near the police station that's just west of and south of (behind UVI. Coming from...
That's one of the challenges to living here. It's the same on Hawaii (the difference being that they have a universal health insurance system that co...
Kathy C, For what it's worth, I think you've made a good decision. As I said before, I'm sure you'll do well here. All of the posts from fo...
G-Dub-Ya, This concept of individual cisterns for each condo boggles my mind. Does each unit also have its own collection system (which would se...
Kathy, Motorcycles are few and far between on the island, so I'm doubtful there is a CMA chapter here. Search for a recent post called Helmet La...
Good deal, Kathy C! It sounds like you have the kind of spirit and outlook that will make your transition to island life easier. I know Po-d...
roynel, There are a number of good family practice docs and pediatricians on island that can handle the needs of "average" adults and children ve...
Kathy, Listen to Becky R. We made the trip, did all of the transactions in person, hired a real estate attorney, and we still found ourselves de...
whatoozy, Thank you, Jeff -- you are awesome to think of us! That's just the type of neighborly gesture that makes these islands the greatest pl...
sand86, My mantra about prices of food here is "dairy is scary." It's not just milk -- all dairy products from cheese to ice cream are very pric...
LR and Island Paul, You two have just earned a spot on my favorite Sadists list. The list of baked delicacies and capitalized FRESH DAILY is a c...
Wait wait wait....are you telling me that you can get a real doughnut on STT? Man, that alone may be one of the bigger (yet rarely mentioned) differ...
Nice, nice answer, Alexandra, especially the advice to not get sucked into "location snobbery." Well done. --HC
One other thought -- ask Alexandra Marshall, a real estate agent and regular on this board, about opportunity and earnings in your field. She moved h...
sand86, Sorry if this sounds flip -- it's not meant to be at all -- but the only person who can really answer that question is you. Everyone's i...
Chad, I have read that due to their typical path of travel and clockwise rotation, homes on the Northeast shore of Caribbean islands are hit hard...