Welcome, Blaze! Nice to have another new Crucian join us here. Where did you move from? I hope you'll share your story with us -- I'm looking f...
Aariel, You will pay federal tax rates on your income but the money will go direftly to the USVI government. You will also pay FICA (the socialk...
Hey Doreen, I was in the city proper during my Pittsburgh years. Worked downtown right across the street from Kaufmanns Department Store. Lived...
It seems that everyone who feels the urge to move to the USVI focuses on moving to St. John, and who wouldn't? 2/3 of the island are protected beache...
Hi Doreen, I agree with FormerOhioGuy -- you''ll settle in here on STX just fine. Your premove visit write up was one of the best I've read beca...
Her home was one of the first landmarks pointed out to us as we were driving around with our real estate agent during our premove visit -- it's just l...
Jay, STX is the more economical place to live, which is one of the reasons we chose it over STT. STX is also the largest island, so I felt I wou...
Josh, Our house is about 2400 sq. ft but used to be a duplex, so we actually have two electric meters that each cover half of the house. We hav...
Our Home Depot experience , for what it's worth: My hubby applied at Home Depot last year after being laid off by the software company he had wor...
Oh Eve, I'm so sorry that this one didn't come through. I can't imagine the depth of your disbelief when you found you missed it by only a day after...
bnk1227 , I had to laugh at your comment about carrying the kitty through the scanner with you. We also recently moved down here with our th...
We just moved with three cats in May -- here's that part of our story. All three cats went to the vet and got the health certificates and rabies ...
Katie, Oooh -- that's going to be a long day for you. I'll send nothing but good karma your way. Security at the DC airports is so differen...
YAY! You made it!! I am so happy for you to finally be down here -- can't wait to have you guys over to our part of the territory to have dinner...
David, How interesting! We moved at that same time and found that it was much cheaper for us to go with RT tickets out of National than any far...
VB, Oh my gawd, I can't believe that I forgot about that! We came down here in part because the constant stress of living near the Pentagon...
Haven't narrowed down a hospital yet over there becasue I haven't found a pulmonologist that I want to use yet. My neurologist is associated with...
Adam, Here's a financial tip to help maximize your pocket cash: skip the terrific symbolism of the one way ticket and by a round trip one instea...
As a high end medical user, here's my two cents: Go off island for specialty care. I see a neurologist in PR for pain management and to monitor ...
I commend you on the careful thought and consideration you put into this decision, and were true to what your heart told you. FOG has a terrific poin...
Hey Michigander! Had to jump in and say hello and reassure you that you cannot ever ask too many questions about sometnhing as big as relocating ...
Jim, Thank you for the tips! I hadn't heard of SurfVI before -- they aren't listed in the phone book we have. Have to say I made a little chok...
pamela, Nope, PR does not have a seat in the electoral college. The college is limited to 538 total votes, but the distribution of votes ...
Colleen, The MLS are worth checking into -- they can give you a great sense of the range of features you can find in homes, general location, sty...
Search the archives of the board -- there are a lot of posts on moving vehicles and getting them registered that will give you a variety of options. ...