Folks, I have to pop in and say that I have had excellent, friendly service from almost everyone I have done business with on island. In fact, t...
If you're a science geek like us, I'd vote for taking a trip out to the radio telescope at Arecibo (it's the largest single dish radio telescope in th...
Update: All seems to be functioning at the STX DMV. Kelly showed up at his designated testing time this morning (along with a dozen others), and...
Actually, I believe there have been talks about developing two new casinos on STX. One casino/resort is proposed for the Great Pond area and I have r...
Hi Meg, What an interesting experiment. I've always thought I knew how to conserve water (we put a brick in our toilet tank, never let the water...
InLoveWithStJohn, I've just fallen in love with you! Thanks for the valuable tidbit. Like many others who've posted, my hubby is a butterscotch ...
Good morning, Liva... Property taxes here on STX are low. We have about a third of an acre of land, and our annual, property tax is under $700 p...
Yep, you are correct about the passport photos, IP. In fact, passport photos were what the DMV folks recommended my husband bring with him. He was t...
Hey FOG... Longtme since I've seen you here -- hope all is well with you. Our fruit trees are growing nicely so we'll have plums, lime, bana...
Thank you, Islander the ever helpful. Between the Settlers' Guide, you, Island Paul, and the other helpful folks on this board, I've pretty much been...
Hi Sarah, We're rapidly coming up on our first anniversary on STX, so I'll give you whatever insight I can. I have to say I shudder a bit at...
IP, When my hubby picked up his application for a license several weeks ago, he was told to get it back to the STX DMV as "close to the time when...
Hi *Gasp* Love the user name, and really appreciated the post for the same reasons Islander listed. I personally don't know how anyone could be ...
travelwoman, I also left you a private message (as if I didn't write enough here already!), so please check your inbox, too. 😎 I also had...
In our yard, we have five banana trees (two of which are currently bearing enormous bunches of green bananas), a plum tree that survived a total uproo...
I'm delighted to report that we found the elusive form 1040 INFO, which is required for anyone who earns income that isn't from a USVI source. The fo...
travelwoman, In a word, nope. Your only option is to travel by air using one of several carriers (including American Eagle, which just added tha...
I love these lists! Can't wait to see what comes up on the replies. Five best things: 1. Crucians are the nicest, most respectful, and hel...
Susan, It's not just the Northside of STT -- mold is a problem everywhere, and is particularly bad for those of us who rely on open windows and c...
Hi Christine! And welcome. M
Hi Kate, I use FirstBank and am very happy with their services. They do offer online banking, but it's more limited than what I was uised to at ...
Ric, Hello, my friend, and thank you for once again being the source of all things Crucian newcomers need to know! Can't say I'm at all surprise...
Gang, A few words of advice on places to live. Remember that while condos may be cheaper to purchase, you will also need to pay the monthly ...