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Joined: April 28, 2005 12:18 am
Topics: 4 / Replies: 91

If there's a scarcity of used guitar equipment for sale on the islands, you might want to post this on the vacation board. Perhaps some visitor might ...

17 years ago
Re: Net Flix - Change in Policy

I don't know any details, or if this is any assistance at all, but Apple just announced that you can now download movies from the iTunes store. For mo...

17 years ago
Re: $ to be made selling timeshares

Christie, I hate to add this here, but I will. Timeshare salesfolks do no have a stellar reputation among timeshare consumers. Marty hinted...

17 years ago
Re: Does anyone know where I can rent (or borrow) a metal detector.

Scremped, you are not a ghost. I have no idea where you can rent or borrow a metal detector. I can tell you that I saw a fellow using one in Aug...

17 years ago
Re: Favicon

I believe the favicon being displayed is dependent upon the browser in which you open the site. When I open the site with AOL there is no icon. Howe...

17 years ago
Re: School Enrollment Experience

A&C Teacher, Did you sign a consent form for the release of your child's records from her former school? I certainly hope that the folks at the ...

17 years ago
Re: public school materials

I have tried in the past to set up a "pen pal" exchange with a public school class on St. Thomas or St. John but was unsuccessful. It is something th...

18 years ago
Re: $90.00 charge for taxi with dog to Red Hook?

Oops! Thanks Betty. I read that a couple of days ago and I guess it stuck in my head. Of course, when I retrieved it I gave myself credit for a...

18 years ago
Re: $90.00 charge for taxi with dog to Red Hook?

Just thinking outside the box (or pet crate) a bit, but would a one-day car rental be a less expensive option? Gerie

18 years ago
Re: $90.00 charge for taxi with dog to Red Hook?

OK, Ronnie...a sanity issue? I suppose there are some pets that could drive a person insane. There's really a spray that will help one regain sanity...

18 years ago
Re: making a living selling timeshares

Coincidentally, this thread just appeared on the message board of the Timeshare Users Group ( a website for timeshare owners. It provid...

18 years ago
Re: summer internship/job

I know nothing about the specifics other than what I've read on their website and having met a couple of interns at both of the St. Thomas stores. De...

18 years ago
Re: STT Island Cats?

Thanks, Onika! I'm pleased that they are addressing the situation of feral cats, and I also know the difficulty in finding homes for them. It's ...

18 years ago
18 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1696
Re: shipping a 6 year old Prius

Just curious... Here in NY there is a big market for purchasing cars that have been rentals or leases from Hertz, Avis and the like. Is there a ...

18 years ago
Re: Bluebeard's castle

Marty, Just to update you a little. I'm pretty sure that the Shuttle schedule you remember is long gone. There is no longer shuttle service bet...

19 years ago
Re: Info on Maho Bay... Quick decision time!!!!

Several years ago my son applied to the Work program. At that time he was offered a meal plan. I believe it was $200 for breakfast and dinner for th...

20 years ago
Re: spiders!!!

Hey FBI (Ha! See what happened when I tried to acronym-ize FL Barrier Island) I experienced one of those Brown Recluse spider bites on the back ...

20 years ago
Re: Hip-Hop scene...?

Ah, Marty....showing your age. Actually, I'm quite a bit older than you, but I have a son who is very much into the music world of hiphop, reggae, cl...

20 years ago
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