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Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Topics: 37 / Replies: 193
Re: Missing Landowner

As you know, it takes a long time for anything to happen here. Often, someone is off island, holding up everyone else.

21 years ago
Re: Allergens?

I was bothered in the spring and fall up north. I'm now on St. Croix, and nothing bothers me, although I've only been here since June. I've heard that...

21 years ago
Re: Tropical Depression #5

Sunday evening: I drove along St. Croix's Southshore Road around 6:30, and you could see the very northern edge of the storm just a couple miles out-v...

21 years ago
Re: Island News?

Mistake in my above post. I meant One Paper:

21 years ago
Re: Island News?

I've only lived on St. Croix for two and a half months, and I'm having trouble understanding what the fuss is over the territorial government. I lived...

21 years ago
Re: hurricane shelters

Hurricanes included, the Carribean and the South Pacific have the mildest weather on Earth. As Ronnie notes, a really bad hurricane only hits a partic...

21 years ago
Re: a good map or website-stx

Chad, I think even the "best" map you find will be somewhat innaccurate, especially if you need to go to an address in the boonies. Formerly rura...

21 years ago
Re: Moving and grooving!

Nicole, Most of these questions are answered on other parts of this website. Please spend a little time reading them, then come back with a coupl...

21 years ago
Re: hurricane shelters

Nearly everyone has been very excited about and supportive of my move. The only kind of "Negative Nancy" has been my dad. He asked why I wanted to mov...

21 years ago
Re: Moving, Work, and other

On the plus side, construction is up almost 100 percent on STX over last year. I live on the east end, and there are quite a few houses, including man...

21 years ago
Re: Do Old Hobbies die hard?

On St. Croix, I've seen a handful of 60s cars, some muscle, others boats, and in condition from junker to pristine. Sorry, I haven't heard of shows or...

21 years ago
Re: rental car...a/c?

I've been thinking about this AC thing off and on all day, and it occurs to me that it's a very good idea to become as accustomed as possible to being...

21 years ago
Re: STX crash course

My favorite place to eat is under a shady tree with a packed lunch. You should seriously try eating a packed meal at least once in the forest or on a ...

21 years ago
Re: Water quality-STX, a dumb question?

I never drink bottled water, always cistern. The bottled stuff is pricey and it's my hurricane supply. If you have a good immune system, cistern water...

21 years ago
Re: rental car...a/c?

I'm to the point where I dislike AC. It simply feels cold to me. I have AC in my car but haven't bothered to have it recharged. I love all the warmth ...

21 years ago
Re: VI aerial photos

Yes, this is a neat website. I can see where I live and work and many of the places where I've hiked.

21 years ago
Re: Bubble/Dome Building

I think these are called geodesic (spelling?) homes, and they're built from prefabricated parts. Try a net search.

21 years ago
Re: Books on Growing Spices in the Carribian

Any good, general book on herbs should do. A very good book on all-around gardening here is Gardening in the Caribbean by Iris Bannochie and Marilyn L...

21 years ago
21 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 889
Re: Health Issues? Dengue/hepatitus/mango or sun poinsening (and bugs)

OK, East Ender, I'll check this link. I used to live in Cleveland, which has some of the best hospitals in the world. I know I'm now in a place where ...

21 years ago
Re: Health Issues? Dengue/hepatitus/mango or sun poinsening (and bugs)

Abbi, Are you sure this was dengue fever? Was it medically diagnosed with confirmation from a second physician? Had these friends been recently t...

21 years ago
Re: Gun laws

My impression is that it is extremely difficult to legally get a gun here. About a month ago, there was a long letter in the St. Croix Avis, our main ...

21 years ago
Re: water! water!! water!!!

I don't know how much I use, but I always use as little as possible. There are some properties that have wells. Some are deep and some are shallo...

21 years ago
Re: OK, my two cents

For me, the worst part of moving here was having to fork out so much money. If you're not wealthy, you're going to take a bit of a hit. But in the lon...

21 years ago
Re: suggestions for a newbie???

Bob, I have cell service through Cingular here and I never have trouble calling back to Ohio, if that helps. I'm curious as to what kind of ...

21 years ago
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