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Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Topics: 37 / Replies: 193
Re: car or truck

An SUV would have higher clearance for the back roads. They often have deep ruts and potholes.

20 years ago
Re: USVI Volcanoes

St. Croix is on a different tectonic plate than the northern USVI, so it stands to reason that it was formed differently. I have also read that St. Cr...

20 years ago
Re: USVI Volcanoes

Sorry, in the above, I should have said "geologically," not "geographically."

20 years ago
Re: USVI Volcanoes

Jenny, As far as I know, what you say is true, but I believe you are talking about underwater volcanic activity, such as the underwater volcano K...

20 years ago
Re: Building on Halfpenny Beach

JHark, Thank you for identifying the building. Can you say anything about its history? Yes, you are right. This is Manchenil Bay Beach. St. ...

20 years ago
Re: Building on Halfpenny Beach

That is how it is usually pronounced. A Google search on "St. Croix" and both beach spellings finds 143 hits for Ha'Penny and 60 for Halfpenny. I...

20 years ago
Re: USVI Volcanoes

This strikes me as one of those unusual places on St. Croix that hardly anyone has heard of. I can’t find anything about it on the Internet, only from...

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 22
Views: 6984
Re: Hurricanes &Accomodations

Click on General Info and then Weather. There have been several devastating hurricanes here over the last few hundred years. There have also been dama...

20 years ago
Re: Malta Baths

Here is the only published information of any consequence I have: "These are purported to be 'baths' made by the Knoghts of Malta when they owned...

20 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1769
20 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1332
Re: Cell Phones

It's a Nokia 1100. The only time I've had trouble calling anywhere, including Ohio, has been when in deep valleys.

20 years ago
Re: Found Near-Extinct Plants

I would assume someone is cultivating them there. I think there are some agaves at the botanical garden on St. Croix, and a few of both the St. Croix ...

20 years ago
Re: Schools in the news

Tedd, try the phonebook:

20 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1015
Re: Touring the islands

There are no meters. You can bargain with the cabbies.

20 years ago
Re: security

On St. Croix, we have the National Guard, Coast Guard, and a Navy radar station.

20 years ago
Re: What doe Made in USA Mean?

I believe if the vehicle identification number (VIN) on the driver's side door frame starts with a 1 or a 4, it's American. Someone chime in.

20 years ago
Re: Touring the islands

You could almost certainly get a cab driver to do this for you.

20 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 892
Re: The Island Way

As far as poor customer service, ample lawsuits, and corrupt government goes, I saw all these things living in Ohio and Washington, D.C. I don’t think...

20 years ago
Re: casino rumour

Yes, I recall reading about this now. But this is on St. Croix, not St. Thomas.

20 years ago
Re: casino rumour

Approval by whom? Wouldn't that have to be done by the Senate and Govenor, and would consequently be in the news?

20 years ago
Re: Settlement took place

Iris, I could recommend quite a few beautiful trees that are native to St. Croix and drought-tolerant.

20 years ago
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