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Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Topics: 37 / Replies: 193
Re: earthquake??

Teresa, That sentence kind of threw me, too. I think in any report, there are going to be a couple of poorly worded statements or errors. Mi...

20 years ago
Re: Homophobia on the island?

Randy, If you haven't already, try to reach Mr. Fedeles by phone. He's busy and sometimes off island. Offer to take him to lunch at a nice restau...

20 years ago
Re: Schools

Here's a recent article on the schools and related matters (private schools are said to be quite good):

20 years ago
Re: family moving to stx

wisconsinmom, You’ll find plenty of parks and beaches for families. There is a pretty big biking and jogging scene on St. Croix, particularly on ...

20 years ago
Re: wood working

lew, Here is the phonebook, where you can type in “woodworking” (one word):

20 years ago
Re: Beaches on STX

Islander, I think you may mean Shoys Beach. And you've convinced me to go to the Lawaetz Museum this weekend. I think Hans Lawaetz, if he is stil...

20 years ago
Re: Beaches on STX

Autumn, I’ve wanted to type up an off-the-beaten-path list of things for St. Croix for some time. This is admittedly a short list, as I’ve only l...

20 years ago
Re: Homophobia on the island?

TH, I’m inclined to believe what you say. Most Cruzans are Democrats, which would lead you to think we have the socially tolerant attitude of mai...

20 years ago
Re: A Rant About Development

Richard and kudzu, I know you both have the best interests of the islands at heart, and I suspect there is truth in what both of you say. Some pe...

20 years ago
Re: A Rant About Development

Richard, I’m aware of the access problem, and maybe that’s why I think it’s sad: You can’t easily visit one of your most beautiful beaches. I was...

20 years ago
Re: A Rant About Development

Autumn, My feeling is that if more people had stood up and screamed about Botany Bay, the development could have been halted, but I know people a...

20 years ago
Re: Homophobia on the island?

TH posted: “eople are not as open about our dislike [of gays and lesbians] as to discriminate against anyone, for the most part.” Of course ...

20 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 1093
Re: Botany Bay and Environs

EE, That's exactly the sort of article I was afraid I would see. I missed it because I usually just read the St. Croix Avis. St. Trauma...

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 942
Replies: 2
Views: 956
Re: where can I take my dogs?

There are many local (non-resort) beaches where people let their dogs run. If you don’t already have it, you can get the “Pocket Map: St. Croix” (put ...

20 years ago
Re: President Truman's Visit to the USVI

Funny, but it makes sense-a D.C. chauffeur suddenly confronted with steep dirt roads, no guard rails at the cliffs, etc. It looks like your Uncle’s ch...

20 years ago
Re: President Truman's Visit to the USVI

Ronnie, I find it hard to believe that a civilian car would be used to transport the president. Times have certainly changed. Who was driving it?

20 years ago
Re: Ruins Ramble

Yes, I was there. That's a rare greathouse ruin, being of rock. Most were made with coral block and limestone marl. By the way, welcome! I see yo...

20 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1516
Re: FOG --- St Croix parades ?

I've never seen this. I'm usually not in the Sunny Isle area. That is, of course, a big hangout place for teenagers.

20 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1030
Re: scuba?

Darrell and Joshy2, You have chosen wisely! Some divers think St. Croix has the best diving in the world. Back in the 60s when tourism was taking...

20 years ago
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