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Joined: April 26, 2017 5:24 pm
Last seen: July 20, 2021 7:20 am
Topics: 10 / Replies: 221
RE: STX rents coming down?

We had a FEMA tenant move out after 1 1/2 months and got a refinery supervisor in the SAME DAY.

6 years ago
RE: Container/Household goods shipping from STX to Florida

I just got a few interesting numbers from Blue Ocean. So far they are the most comprehensive, able to do both car from FL and container from NY. Car:...

6 years ago
RE: STX rents coming down?

RE: Cheaper options, I don't know if the government's planned 50k per unit offer to landlords is going to work or not. As usual there are scant detail...

6 years ago
RE: Sunset

In New York in winter it's getting dark at 4:30 PM Eastern Standard which really sucks. Once the Christmas lights are no longer on in January it is do...

6 years ago
Replies: 17
Views: 2972
RE: New Hospital approved for STX

A lot of the rebuilding funds seem to require that either the VI government lay out money and get reimbursed or else chip in a percentage, such as 10%...

6 years ago
RE: Retire - Husband in Wheelchair

Allydo, I'm sorry, I just saw this post. Our agent is the owner of Calabash Real Estate, Honnie Edwards. You can find her company online. She's done ...

6 years ago
RE: Pathetic Taxi Service?

Gator's, I think you hit a nail on the head with #2. The driver's may know where they are going but how would the app tell them where the ride is or k...

6 years ago
It's rented, thanks.

It's rented, thanks.

6 years ago
RE: Ready For A Change

This is exactly what I plan on doing. I already spoke to AARP UHC. All they need is a zip code to get you quotes for their various supplemental plans...

6 years ago
RE: Seeking 2bedroom for rent

Thank you. Please consider talking with Calabash Real Estate about the property and the monthly rent. We may be able to negotiate.

6 years ago
RE: Seeking 2bedroom for rent

I have a really nice 2 br for rent, furnished. However, the lease can only be through October 2019. My ad is right below yours. PM me if interested.

6 years ago
RE: For rent: Two bedroom two full bathroom villa in a beautiful HOA community.

The name of our management company is actually Calabash Real Estate. (don't know why I can't edit this.)

6 years ago
RE: Ready For A Change

Medicare is $135 and AARP / UHCs best supplemental plan is $250. (rounded) So add evac insurance and it is way over $300. Then there are still drug co...

6 years ago
RE: Part time jobs for retirees on St Croix

THAT would be cool and I wouldn't mind learning more about someplace like Salt River Bay in order to show others. I plan on doing a lot of networking...

6 years ago
RE: Your Feedback on New Message Board

More about the site in general than the boards, but it would be cool to solicit some new Moving Stories. It would be especially good for those in the ...

6 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1206
RE: Kmart/Sears

Back in the pre-internet days, I remember Sears had some "catalog only" stores. You ordered & paid at the little storefront and came back after i...

6 years ago
RE: Retire - Husband in Wheelchair

Singlefin, I am the half empty guy and my wife is the half full. We finally realized it was due to our blood types. Mine is negative and hers is posit...

6 years ago
RE: Retire - Husband in Wheelchair

Why not consider an adaptable home that is already built? We bought a villa in a HOA community. It is a stand alone and all on one level, near ground ...

6 years ago
RE: Hobie Mirage Revolution Single Kayak

Hey Dreamer, I was on STX late last month and mentioned this to a friend. I believe he is guy who bought it! Cheers!

6 years ago
RE: Apartment rentals

Cruzan, yes I believe the poster wants someplace with sidewalks and access to groceries, etc without use of a car. That's gonna be really tough for un...

6 years ago
RE: Rent Control in the VI

What a mess this code is. 1947? Seriously? It's no wonder it's not enforced. § 834. Maximum rent ceilingsThe maximum rent ceilings in the Virgin Isla...

6 years ago
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