Last seen: July 20, 2021 7:20 am
Good morning! I'm following this thread because my wife & I are in a similar period, 2 years from moving out of NY permanently. I think renting to get...
RE: Fishing. I'm glad to hear that "surf casting" and onshore fishing is somewhat productive. I have large surfcasting rods & reels that I have u...
I agree. I'm reading the VI Consortium site about all the problems with WAPA and financing basic needs on St Croix. Medicare availability is a BIG plu...
Ouch, 2-3 % yearly is very high, but.... Hurricanes don't rip up land, so the replacement value of the house is generally structure & contents only + ...
Thank you all for the replies, they are very helpful! We are two years from retrement & moving and will be doing a lot of research. How is house ...