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Joined: September 9, 2014 12:31 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 91
Re: Advice about moving here.

If you want to live somewhere for the warm weather and to be close to the ocean, move to Florida. If you want to move to the USVI (or the Caribbe...

9 years ago
Re: Most reputable new car dealer on STX

If you are a cash buyer, it is often more affordable to buy a new vehicle stateside and have it shipped.

9 years ago
Re: Help! Advice needed, snap relocation to STT

Arrogant or not, I have lived in Florida most of my life and St. Thomas some of my life and feel both are paradise with different things to offer. If ...

9 years ago
Re: Jump up and Tri Athlon in May

Official Ironman website says May 1, 2016. Jumpup is usually the Friday night before (April 29). The schedule for 2016 is online at Google search fo...

9 years ago
Re: Looking to move to St. Thomas

"Coming to the island to escape" is a common theme heard here. It is also one of the top reasons people become disappointed living in the USVI and re...

9 years ago
Re: Looking for Job

I would ask that on the other discussion thread you have started so it's all in one place. No need to have two.

9 years ago
Re: Looking for Job

Finding a job prior to arrival is next to impossible, especially in the service industry. Most on-island employers won't even interview someone until...

9 years ago
Re: disclosing death in apartment

Trivia Fact - in Texas you are not required to disclose a death in a home to a potential buyer; however if you believe the home is haunted you are req...

9 years ago
Re: Why was Mapp elected?

Mapp also promised to hire 1,000 people and many people who supported him were hoping for a job. And promised a restructuring of debt to pay for ...

9 years ago
Re: Upside of Island Life

I used to say it was the camaraderie of friends and social events such as Jump Up and Christmas events that we enjoyed most on STX. There used to be ...

9 years ago
Re: drawbavks / downside of island life

It's doubly funny because it could actually be true. I think if you'd put it on the Consortium background you'd have a serious contender on your hand...

9 years ago
Re: Mapp spends over 13k a month to live in luxurious hotel

So sorry - ignorant again but does the governor have to answer to anyone? The president? Don't laugh lol!! I know nothing about how this works. Also w...

9 years ago
Re: drawbavks / downside of island life

The highlight of your day is $2.39 butter. That's an excellent laugh...

9 years ago
Re: Coming to live in the US VI St. Croix

I will echo what many say here. Wait at least 6 months before buying a house. I would even say 1 to 2 years. Most that wind up leaving again do it ...

9 years ago
Re: Current Prices in the Virgin Islands 2016

If you have mango, soursop, banana, papaya, sugar apple, mamey apple, starfrfruit, cashew, avocado, etc., in your yard it is..... Unrealistic, at...

9 years ago
Re: Current Prices in the Virgin Islands 2016

Sometimes bananas are free. Sometimes avocados are free. In July mangoes are often free. Quite a few items are free depending on who you know. I doubt...

9 years ago
Re: Current Prices in the Virgin Islands 2016

finitic-not a typo. our butter is up to about 6-7 1lb Correct, hence why I questioned ms411 posting $2/lb.

9 years ago
Re: Current Prices in the Virgin Islands 2016

Butter was $2.7x for a pound last week at Plaza. Bananas $.89. A gallon of milk is $5.99 at some other stores. Don't know about other items. Hmmm...

9 years ago
Re: drawbavks / downside of island life

Rock fever. The sense that creeps up over time where you realize that you are essentially stuck on a small rock in the middle of the ocean with 40,00...

9 years ago
Re: Current Prices in the Virgin Islands 2016

Butter was $2.7x for a pound last week at Plaza. Bananas $.89. A gallon of milk is $5.99 at some other stores. Don't know about other items. Hmmm...

9 years ago
Re: Help! Advice needed, snap relocation to STT

That's pretty cool. Which NYC neighborhoods would you compare it to, since that's where I grew up? I would liken STX to Queens. A broad mix...

9 years ago
Re: Help! Advice needed, snap relocation to STT

Paradise is a different interpretation to everyone, BUT EVERYONE WHO COMES TO THE ISLANDS COMES FOR THAT REASON! This is highly presumptive.

9 years ago
Re: Current Prices in the Virgin Islands 2016

A lot of the roadside sellers get their produce from Dominican Republic, at least here in STT, I've noticed. The prices aren't cheap, anywhere you g...

9 years ago
Re: Current Prices in the Virgin Islands 2016

To what extent are food prices cheaper if you shop in open air markets and so on, the way I would get food in Guyana or Jamaica? I realize the gr...

9 years ago
Re: Current Prices in the Virgin Islands 2016

It is super expensive to live here unless one is vegetarian and has time for subsistence gardening. This is interesting since in the states...

9 years ago
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